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Tutorials and Exercises


WED12:30 - 14:00Arnimallee 2, Room 001
WED14:15 - 16:15Arnimallee 6, Room 031

In addition to the lectures there will be two weekly (identical) tutorials. Please choose one and attend regularly. In the tutorials, we will occasionally review topics from the lectures but mostly discuss examples and solutions to exercises. You are encouraged to pitch in by presenting a solution every once in a while.

Every week each student is required to solve exercises and hand them in. The sheets containing the exercises will be uploaded on Wednesdays and solutions should be turned in before the second lecture in the following week. Please bring them with you to the lecture on Wednesday and hand them to Professor Ziegler by 10:15 AM. You will receive points for your solutions based on whether your solutions are correct and well-written.

Course requirements are the following: (1) You must score at least 50% of the total points of the exercises assigned in each half of the semester. There will be 7 exercise sheets in the first half of the semester. A sheet will have exercises worth roughly 20 points. Note that it is ok to score less than 50% on a sheet as long as you reach 50% of the total points by the end of the first respective second half of the semester. (2) You must pass a written exam at the end of the semester which allone alone will determine the grade that you get for this course.

Exercise Sheets


You are encouraged to work on exercises together. However, please turn in one set of solutions per person.