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7, 8, 9 December 2015, University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve), Belgium



Online registration: HERE (free of charge, open until 20 November 2015) 

Program available: HERE






[Français plus bas]

Summary EN
Summary EN
With the participation of leading experts in the field, the workshop aims to focus on the theoretical implications of empirical work as conducted by CLARe's projects (Corpora for Language and Aging Research), in order to develop the outlines of future collaboration in this young but cutting-edge domain of research in linguistics and aging. Although important studies on related subjects have been published since the 1940s, the field of studies on language and age and its relationships has remained marginal to date in linguistics. Contrary to the demographic situation of contemporary societies, where the older age groups take part in a wide range of social activities, the older people are underrepresented in sociolinguistic panels. While in psycholinguistics ‘normal aging’ has turned out to be an important issue, it still has not obtained the status of ‘normal’ issues in linguistic research areas concerned with empirical data, as in sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, and pragmatics. The workshop aims to confront the challenges of situating research on age-related topics in the broader spectrum of linguistic fields and to promote interdisciplinary and cross-linguistic exchange. Summarizing the results reached so far will help to sharpen the questions of future research:


The academic program combines programmatic keynotes, the presentation of PhD projects, Data Sessions (speech, gesture and Sign Language corpus data), and Round Tables focusing on the most urgent research desiderata and the planning of joint future research projects.


[English above]

Summary FR
Summary FR
Avec la participation d’experts internationaux, ce Workshop a pour objectif d’interroger des thématiques centrales en vieillissement langagier, en faisant la part belle aux études empiriques basées sur l’observation de données langagières réelles. Par la mise en contact d’experts provenant de champs disciplinaires complémentaires, voire transversaux ((neuro-)psychologues, linguistes, médecins, soignants, etc.), des pistes de collaboration future seront explorées, visant le développement d’un réseau international et interdisciplinaire au sein du champ émergent de la recherche en linguistique et vieillissement.
