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Course Description


This is a beginning course from the series of three courses Topology I—III. In the introductory course we will first overview basic notions on Metric spaces and then cover following topics:
  1. Basic notions of: Topological spaces, continuous maps, connectedness, compactness, products, coproducts, quotients.
  2. Gluing constructions.
  3. Homotopies between continuous maps, degree of a map, fundamental group.
  4. Seifert-van Kampen Theorem.
  5. Covering spaces.



  1. Allen Hatcher: Algebraic Topology, Chapter I. Also available online from the author's website 
  2. James R. Munkres: Topology, Prentice Hall 
  3. Marco Manetti : Topology, Springer
  4. Stefan Waldmann: Topology (An Introduction), Springer
  5. Klaus Jänich: Topologie, Springer-Verlag





ContactOffice Hours:
LecturePavle Blagojević  and  Moritz Firsching blagojevic(at), firsching(at)math.fu-berlin.deWednesday after lectures
TutorialJonathan Kliemjonathan.kliem(at)fu-berlin.deMonday after tutorials




Wed14:15 - 15:45SR 031, Arnimallee 6
Fri12:00 - 13:30HS 001, Arnimallee 3



Tutorials and Problems




You can do the exam either written or oral. If you want to do oral exam, you must set up a date before the written exam. Your second attempt will be in the same mode as your first attempt. E.g. if you fail the written exam at the first try, you must pass the second written exam in order to pass the class.
