Versionen im Vergleich


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The Name of the game is Animals. I got was inspired by the CLIL handbook that our instructor handed out in our first session. There was a similar game, nevertheless, I thought it was a little bit too simple as no speaking was involved. I changed the game by adding some questions and scaffolding to the game, which I thought would be quite helpful for the students, as well as giving the game some Kind kind of linguistic objective.

All students get a card with three main questions: "Where do you live?", "What do you eat?", and  "What is your colour?" . After that, one student is appointed to start the game (it would be advisable if the teacher gave an example to the students first) and think of an animal, without telling the group. Then, he /or she acts out a movement that is related to the animals. The other students ask him/her the questions and the student answers. Now they have to guess which animal he /or she is. The student that guessed correctly is the next one to pick an animal, and so on.
