Versionen im Vergleich


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Remember the times you have problems with learning new vocabulary and the newly acquired words won't stay in your head? With this game, you can change that.
This game is derived from the popular kids game "I packed my bag" and is supposed to help kids with memorizing new vocab and sentence chunks. This game can be adjusted to any the skill level.


The Target Group could start at the age of eight and could go up to whatever you can imagine since I still use that at some point with seniors to help them remember words.
A good time limit is hard to pinpoint but I would recommend not longer than 10 minutes.

Learning objectives

As already mentioned in the introduction, this game is supposed to help the players memorize newly and already known vocabulary and using it in context. This game is supposed to be acted out since it helps the mind to intertwine the new vocab with movement and therefore to make it easier to remember it.

Instructions to set up the activity

You will need enough space for the groups to move freely and you have to put the learners into groups of 5-8 people (max. 15) otherwise it will be hard for them to remember the movements of the others. 
After that you can do this game with the vocabulary you need. A good suggestion would be using cards, but make sure you put the depicted word on the back so that the game can go on even if the word might be unknown. This game is supposed to be played in two phases:
