Versionen im Vergleich


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The game is about names and personal preferences and is good for getting to know each other.

Another name for this game could be Names, verbs of activities, animals and adjectives in first and third person singular and gerund for activities.

Target group and Time

The game is suitable for pupils with basic English knowledge who want to review the above mentioned grammatical phenomena. It is also possible to use it for learning names and getting to know each other because it focuses very much on the person. (I am…, I like…)

The time might be 20 minutes, but can be also exceeded or cut because not every round needs to be completed. It also depends on the situation and how much time is spent for explanations, repetition and joint collection.

Learning objectives

In this game, I want to teach vocabulary of animals and adjectives of characterisation and grammar (difference between male and female, verbs in the 3rd person singular (with s) and the gerund for expressing activities).

Instructions to set up the activity

It is very easy to apply and can be used in any sequence of the lesson and at any place. No material is needed. It might be better to collect activities, animals and adjectives and to repeat the grammatical situation before the respective round.

Letting it run

1st round: Everybody introduces him/herself with: "I am ...." and jumps into the circle; the group answers with: "S/he is …" and jumps as well in the circle.
