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The target group are mostly children grade 3-5.  In groups of 4 students and 1 teacher, the activity takes about 10 minutes. The game might be more challenging played in a large class, since there are more gestures to remember. This can make the activity also more fun. It teaches children to use (new) vocabaulary in a sentence. This can also be a useful game to introduce a new group of students to each other. Everyone says their name and two things about themselves and the gestures make it more fun. 
Playing the game in a larger group can increase the time, difficulty and fun of the game.  

Learning objectives

This activity aims to teach vocabulary, to talk in sentences and revise it by connecting it to movements. 

What is taught is largely dependent on the students, since they decide themselves what they think is  significant or they like best. In a discussion round, everyone thinks of for example a pet or animal that they have or that they like. Then you collect in a group some things that characterize the animals and think of gestures singifying these character traits. This does not have to be in any particular order, if some students cannot think of anything to say, maybe others can help. Then, everything is repeated going around individually and the students say everything they remember concerning their specific pet or animal. Everyone tries to remember the gestures so that ideally, only the teacher or one student speak and everyone else is following with the gestures. The topic can be more abstract (for advanced students), or the activity can be simplified by thinking of movements involving the whole body rather than gestures
The repetition of the sentences with the gestures practices the forming of the sentences and the vocabulary used

Instructions to set up the activity

It might be a good idea to start by sitting down in a circle in an open space, so that there is enough room for bigger gestures or movements. Another advantage of sitting on the floor in a circle is that the atmosphere is more relaxed and inviting. Then the topic is given, maybe the teacher starts . The teacher could start by giving an example. (topic ideas: food, pets, movies, vacation,...). 

Letting it run

The activity is largely guided by the teacher. There is a verbal/ discussion are two parts: a "discussion" part and a "movement" part doing the gestures. 
After the topic is given, every student gives their first idea. Then the next question is posed.
The goal of the verbal part is for every student to be able to form 2-3 sentences about their animal/ pet and have quickly thought of the gestures. 
(Example questions for the Topic "Animals and Pets": What is special about your animal/pet? Where does it live? How does it move? Do you know what it eats? When does it sleep? Does it have feathers or scales?)
Every students thinks of a suitable gesture while the facts are collected. If a student cannot think of a gesture, others can help. Depending on the animals, some questions may be more suitable then others. It does not matter, if the students do not answer the same questions. The goal is for every student to be able to form 2-3 sentences about their animal/ pet and have quickly thought of the gestures. 

In the "movement" part of this exercise, ideally only one student should speak. The goal is for everyone to repeat their animal, tell the group the 2 facts about it while showing the gestures. The rest of the group follows the gestures. 

The topic can be more abstract (for advanced students), or the activity can be simplified by thinking of movements involving the whole body rather than gestures. 

(Topic ideas: food, pets, favourtie and least favourite movies, vacation,...

This can also be a useful game to introduce a new group of students to each other.
Everyone says their name and two things about themselves and the gestures make it more fun.)