Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Christina, Johannes, Ben, Joachim, Claudia, Agnieszka, Theresa, Saloni, Cosima, Sibylle, Michael (guest), XXX

Moderation and Minutes

  • Agnieszka and Joachim



  • Agnieszka & Joachim will be responsible for the website.
  • Group members add content for the website in wiki at: Webseite

Upcoming Events

  • "Building tools for the future of making and sharing science" on September 26 (Mathilde)
  • Open Access Week 21- 27 October 2019
  • November event "I hate Open Science" (Discussion Event) on November 7 (tba)
  • December event "What's the Berlin University Alliance's strategy for Open Science?" December 5 (Dirk)
    • Claudia and Christina have an - appointment with the President on Sept. 9 to discuss the possible shape of such an the event.

Organizational Meeting
