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To apply for a job you typically need to prepare a cover letter, a CV, and school and university certificates. However, the required documents are nearly always described in the job advertisement. In the following paragraph, you can find a short description of the information your cover letter and CV should contain.

Cover letter


  • Your personal data (name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address)
  • The data of the recipient (company name (legal form), contact person, address)
  • Date (right-aligned)
  • Subject line with reference to the job you apply for
  • Salutation (best in person, mention the name of the contact person)


  • Introduction: arousing interest; motivation for the job
  • Main part: self-marketing; presenting key competences, special experiences and relevant soft skills
  • Company reference: added value for the employer; why should the employer hire you?
  • Final part: in the final sentence you can thank for the interest; looking forward to the job interview
  • Complimentary close (e.g. "Yours sincerely”)
  • Signature
  • Mentioning the annexes (CV, certificates, references etc.)


  1. Title: "Curriculum vitae" or "Curriculum vitae (your name)" are sufficient here
  2. Personal data: First name, last name, date and place of birth, full address, telephone number, e-mail address, (application photo)
  3. Professional career: Profession, jobs, experience, positions
  4. Training: School, vocational training, studies, highest degree, grade, semester abroad, internships
  5. Special knowledge: Further education, certificates, foreign languages, IT skills, awards, etc.
  6. Interests and hobbies: Private commitment, voluntary work, own projects, relevant hobbies
  7. Place, date, signature: Always current date