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List of topics:

Summer term 2024:

Apr 18: Mark Fox-Powell (The Open University, UK), The cold chemistry of cryovolcanism: Insights from experimental and natural analogues

Apr 25: Jessica Agarwal (University of Braunschweig), Decimetre-sized chunks at comet 67P and implications for understanding cometary activity

May 02: Namitha Baby (DLR), Deciphering terrain formation on Ganymede using impact craters

May 09: no seminar (holiday Himmelfahrt)

May 16: Lucia Hortal and Maryse Napoleoni (FUB), Report on their Antarctic expedition to acquire analogue samples for icy moons

May 23: Jordy Bowman (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder), Formation and Dissociation of Hydrocarbons in Space and in Planetary Atmospheres

May 30: Laura Garcia Gomez (Univ. of Malaga, Spain), LIBS for Planetary Exploration: Laboratory Approaches, Challenges and New Insights

Jun 06: Jürgen Schmidt (FUB), A new model of the Enceladus plume

Jun 13: Maja Bunke (FUB) on her Masters project: Influence of Surface Topography on the Steady State Dust Ejecta Clouds around Atmosphereless Moons

Jun 20: Ina Plesa (DLR),  Impact induced melting and surface mobilization on Europa

Jun 27: Peter Strub (FUB), A new Dust Model of the Saturnian System

Jul 04: Sebastian Walter with the Imaging subgroup report and Viktoria Franke (FUB) on her Bachelor's Project: The effects of cell lysis on the mass spectral detectability of bacterial biosignatures in ice grains ejected from icy moons

Jul 11: Maryse Napoleoni with the Cosmic Dust subgroup report and Alexa Schöpf (FUB/DLR) on her Master's project: Long Term Change Detection on Mars using HRSC images in comparison to other multi-temporal image data sets

Jul 18: Bo Wu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Planetary remote sensing and lunar regolith sample research at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Winter term 2023/2024:

Oct 26: Mirandah Ackley & Marie Dannenmann (FUB) about their PhD projects: "Assessing the environmental effects in subsurface oceans of icy moons on potential extraterrestrial life - A proposal"


Dec 14: Veerle Sterken and Tim Arnet (ETH Zuerich), "Dust science from the Lunar Gateway" (exceptionally at 14:45 PM)

Dec 21: Edwin Mahlo (FUB), about his Master’s project, "Revisiting the LDEX measurements of the Lunar dust cloud"

Jan 11: Ina Plesa (DLR) , "Thermal Evolution and Interior Dynamics of Mars and Venus: Geodynamic Models and ObservationsMars Underground: The Quest for Liquid Water"

Jan 18: Tina Rückriemen (DLR), Titel: TBD"The thermal and dynamic state of Europa’s ice shell: Revealed by radar?"

Jan 25: René Prissang, "3D Markov simulation- a tool with a high potential for space mining"
