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If you only wish to hand in samples for characterization and you do you not plan to work yourself in the biolab, you can do this via our material/compound testing request form in OpenIris (for OpenIris registration see protocol Using OpenIris). Please note, that characterization of compounds/materials is costly, the request also includes the obligation of coverage of the costs for the measurements (from 50€ per sample, organism and type of assay).


Please note: In order to cover the costs of the Biolab for consumables, chemicals, reagents, maintenance, repairs and service by the Biolab team, a contribution of currently 1500€ per university semester and person must be paid by the working groups. Before using the biolabs, you must clarify with your research group head that these costs will be covered by your research group. For more information or questions, please contact the SupraFAB coordinator Achim Wiedekind.

Optical Microscopy (026/027) Access

Please follow the guidelines of the OM Wiki page: Access to the Optical Microscopy (OM) Facility

Biolab (114/115) Access

To get access AND OR before YOU start work in the S2 SupraFAB Biolab (BA unit) or S2 Optical Microscopy (OM), follow the 6 steps (click on the blue items to get more information):steps below:

  1. Register as new SupraFAB user by sending personal info (name, working group, status/activity, office and laboratory room number) to, and participate in person in the next SupraFAB safety briefing (you should receive infos by email).
    In case you DO NOT receive info by email, watch the 3 safety briefing videoson your own.
  2. Fill the

  3. Book a biolab On-site Intro (dates: see table below) based on the biolab agreement with the Biolab Technicians by sending and email to the respective biolab technician (booking: see table below).
  4. Fill the access & transponder form with work safety questionaire(32. page)and bring it with you to the On, let it sign by your research group head, bring it to the on-site Intro (afterwards, & hand in to Katharina Tebel (office 103) or Achim Wiedking Wiedekind (office 102) to get transponder access).Note:The first and third page need to be signed by your reseach group head!

    (a) Participate in person in the S2 Biosafety & Laser safety instruction (next: January 15th 2024, 10am Biosafety & 11am Laser Safety, room 119) OR
    (b) if you missed the last safety instruction, watch the provisional S2 Biosafety instruction, and prove this with a short exam at the end of the also mandatory on-site intro (book here).
    Note: To keep access, it is mandatory to attend the S2 safety instructionin personat least once a year.
  5. Become familiar with the safety guidelins, instructions and rules.
  6. Book a biolab On-site Intro (dates & booking: see table) by sending and email to the respective biolab technician.
  7. Get used to the safety information provided in the wiki & posted in the labs.

Note: Scientific guests as well as non-scientific staff such as service personal from companies need to get introduced by one of the PIs for genetic engeeneering (see Biolab Team & Lab Phone Numbers). The introduction & documentation forms as well as permission forms need to be stored in the repsective folder in office 111.

Transponder access to the S2 area is regulated and documented in the SupraFAB office.

If you passed the on-site intro & you got transponder access, some more action for full access is needed:

  1. (Optional) In case you do NOT have a
  2. Register for the instrument booking system OpenIRIS by follwoing the pdf protocols on the OpenIRIS Booking System page.
    Note: If you have no
  3. FUB Email, apply with help of the your cooperating FUB research group for a guest zedat
  4. Email
  5. account.
  6. Subscribe to the Biolab Email List and join the biolab whatsapp group for fast quick exchange of information.
If you passed the intro and you got transponder access some more action for full access is needed:
  1. Register for the instrument booking system OpenIRIS by following the pdf protocols on the OpenIRIS Booking System page and book devices always via:
  2. Get access to the the  BCP-storage network drives to safe and transfer your measurement data.
  3. To access the OM facility microscopes, follow the instructions on the Optical Microscopy Wiki.
  4. In case you need to access the microfluidics, bacterial or virus lab, you need an additional practical training by the respective lab responsible person and you need to obey the S2 rules/RG2 Pathogen Lab Rules and to register pathogens in the wiki.
  5. Hazardous substances and chemicals must be also registers in CLAKS, the chemical data base of FUB the CLAKS.
  6. In case you work with devices that contain laser e.g. Flow Cytometer/FACS, confocal/STED micrscopes or MST, you need a laser safety intro from Bianca Höfer.

For printing, please use the the Multi-User FollowMe-Printers (currently you have to use the one located in Takustr. 3 or any other institute building).

More information about SupraFAB you can find on the SupraFAB homepage and the SupraFAB wiki.

Biolab On-site Intros

: Dates & Booking

Biolab On-site Intros

Biolab On-site Intros: Dates & Booking

Sent an email to inform the persons offering the intro and to know the exact time and meeting point; if we receive no emails for a date, the intro will not take place.

ElisaQuaas@fu-berlin.deJohanna.Scholz@fuBrittSchaffranietz@fuJohannaScholz@fuBrittSchaffranietz@fuJohannaScholz@fu 1 2023 15, 2023 6, 2023January 17 2024

Date (time 2 pm)


Contact address (sent an email to book)

June 21July 3, 2023 2024

Elisa QuaasJohanna Scholz


July 517, 2023 2024

Britt Schaffranietz


July 19, 2023

Johanna Scholz

August 27, 2023 2024

Elisa Quaas

August 1621, 20232024

Britt SchaffranietzJohanna Scholz


September 54, 20232024

Johanna ScholzAlicia Hartmann


September 2018, 20232024

Elisa Quaas

October 42, 20232024

Britt SchaffranietzJohanna Scholz


October 1816, 2023 2024

Johanna ScholzBritt Schaffranietz


November 6, 2024

Elisa Quaas

November 20, 2024

Johanna Scholz

December 4, 2024

Britt Schaffranietz

December 18, 2024

Elisa Quaas

January 1, 2025

not taking place

not taking place

January 15, 2025

Johanna Scholz

February 5, 2025

Britt Schaffranietz

February 19, 2025

Elisa Quaas