Versionen im Vergleich


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In this game called “Hobby Mystery”, students take on the role of sound detectives, who listen to different sounds related to hobbies, as they act out their guesses and discuss their answers. “Hobby Mystery” utilizes elements from Total physical response Physical Response (TPR) but instead of verbal commands, sounds guide the movements, thus allowing for more creative responses. The goal is to engage the students in practicing and expanding their vocabulary. 


Instructions to set up the activity

materialsMaterials: Bluetooth speaker, cards, and recorded sounds (for sample sounds see below)
resource for sounds: 

Preparation: The teacher chooses hobby vocabulary that should be practiced, records sounds that correspond to the hobbies and prepares cards with each hobby written on it.

For a resource for additional pre-recorded hobby sounds see:

Letting it run

Students stand in a circle and are introduced to the game as follows: “Today we are going to play a game called Hobby Mystery. You are going be to detectives and have to find out the hobby. You will listen to a sound, act out your guess and then we will discuss your idea.“ It is helpful if the teacher demonstrates the instructions using gestures: listen to the sounds (putting your hand to your ears), act out your guess (acting out a few hobbies e.g. kicking a ball, running…), discuss your answer (point to the head and mouth). 
