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Mindfulness is becoming more and more important in this fast-paced world. This game is about teaching meditation, self-awareness, and how the mind can “slow down” time.

Target group and Time

This exercise needs one instructor and can be done with any age group from grade 2 to 12. It is highly recommended to do it best done outside, preferably in a park or forest. It takes up to 12 minutes. 

Learning objectives

The learners should feel connected to themselves and to their surroundings. Self-awareness is becoming more and more important in this fast world.   For younger children, this is a good way to learn how what different body parts are called and also how to express their experiencesfeelings and thoughts.

Instructions to set up the activity

  • First


  • , each person should sit down


  • , leaving a little space


  • between them and the next person.


  • Then all the students should close their eyes and


  • slowly breath in


  • and breath


  • out for 10 seconds, counting down from 10 to 1 and


  • concentrating on their breath.


  • Now each student should take their index finger


  • , place it on their forehead and run it down their face, nose, lips, chin, neck, left shoulder, left elbow,


  • the palm of their hand, and run their index finger over all their left fingers.


  • The teacher can add the right side of the body or more body parts like legs and feet


  • as well


  • . This depends on how much time is left.
  • Now the students can slowly


  • move their fingers back to their


  • necks.
  • Then the students take both of their index fingers and place them on their ears. They should feel their ears about 5 seconds.


  • Then they listen to what


  • they hear in their surroundings. Can they hear wind, birds, cars, or people?
  • Then the students


  • try to imagine they are melting into their surroundings.


  • (Let the learners listen quietly for 2 to 3 minutes.)


  • After that they can slowly come back to themselves and open their eyes. Now the learners


  • may speak about their


  • experiences. For many, it might be the first time having done


  • something like meditation. If there is time, the learners can


  • go explore their surroundings and observe the things they could hear.