Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Make sure that all of the kids know what the concept of a "word field" (or word group/family) is. Use examples for an easy understanding.
  • Everybody walks around the room (or other available space).
  • A word field is chosen.
  • The game master (teacher) will then say different words that may or may not be from that word field.
  • If the game master says a word that is part of the chosen word field, everybody has to freeze in place.
  • A volunteer is then chosen to act out the word and everybody else has to act it out in the same manner.
  • While the students are acting the word out, the game master can say the word out loud again and have the students repeat it verbally.
  • After that is done, everybody starts moving again until another word of that word field is said.
