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Fluvial sand, Wouri River, Cameroon




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Glass bead is 200µ in diameter



Shore of the Wouri river (25 km from the Atlantic ocean), City of Douala (long. 9 42'; Lat. 4 3'), Cameroon


Depositional facies

River shore



Mix of (1) ?volcanic source rich in quartz with (2) ?basaltic gas-rich lava; also, (3) some arid-climate components




Dominant typically blocky, highly angular transparent and clear, occasionally slightly yellowish quartz (volcanic or high-grade metamorphic  provenance ?). Significant (~5%) component of fresh black glassy bubbly lava (resembling pumice), few wind-abraded grains with desert varnish; very few grains of chlorite/epidote minerals.


Interesting incongruent composition. Traces of well rounded quartz grains and recent plant seeds


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Coarse-grained (cU, median ca. 1000µ); poorly sorted, angular


Petrographic thin section:



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