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titleCreate your Drama Lab Wiki Page

1. In the left sidebar click on the name of your group.

2. Click on the blue button with the three white dots. You should see the Template for Learning Activities.

3. Click on on the blue Create button. Change the Page Title to the name of your activity plus your name. (Example: My Activity - Piaget)

4. Add your content to your page.

5. Save your work by clicking the blue Publish button and you are done!


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This Wiki was created by a group of English teachers in training during a seminar on drama pedagogy at the Freie Universität in Berlin. As educators, while we are convinced there are no stupid people, using drama pedagogy with learners sometimes does require courage. Through these games, we would like to invite you with us through the door of using and enjoying drama pedagogy in your classroom.

These materials are the result of collaborative effort and are meant to share. If you would like to download a single game, click on the three dots icon and export. If you would like to download more than one game, in the bottom left corner of the screen click on the Space Tools symbol, select Content Tools and follow the Export instructions. Once again, a special thanks to all the learners of English from Berlin schools who have helped us test and tweak these games!