Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
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  1. We are all learning.
  2. Everyone has something to contribute.
  3. No one has all the answers.
  4. We think over our questions to phrase them respectfully.
  5. Everyone participates actively in the seminar, e.g., by asking questions, giving feedback, etc.

Due to the current situation the seminar is hold in person and online. This requires learning and getting used to the new setting from all participants. To allow a ... experience, we would like to propose the following

  • participants attending the seminar in person are asked to  bring a device, headphones and a microphone to connect to the online session (this will allow you to catch the online sound with your headphones and to talk to people in the room and people online via your microphone).
  • participants attending the seminar online are asked to switch on their cameras, if bandwidth allows, during the whole seminar, but at least in the beginning and the end.