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CLARe4: Presentations Helsinki 2019

Keynote Frans Gregersen: In search of a pattern PDF


Exploring LangAge corpora with LaBB-CAT POSTER

UnVergessen – Older bilingual persons in German nursing homes POSTER

Varia-Idade in Rio de Janeiro – Communication and generation: linguistic and discursive strategies among older people POSTER

CLARe3: Corpus presentations FU Berlin 2017

BOLSA – The Bonn Longitudinal Study on Ageing as an interdisciplinary research resource POSTER

CCC: The Carolinas Conversations Collection: Pragmatic Spaces in Pausees, Prepositions and Reported Speech POSTER

CorpAGEst + LSFB: Signing and gesturing in later life: How to adapt bodily talk in context? POSTER

Cécilia Project – An international multidisciplinary collaboration on the study of language in later life POSTER

Corpage – A reference corpus for the elderlies' language | CorpAGEst – A multimodal corpus for the elderlies' language | VIntAGE – Videos to study Interaction in AGEing POSTER

ILSE – The Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Study of Adult Development and Aging POSTER

LangAge Corpora – Resources for Language and Aging Research POSTER



Jeanne – … et anorexique je ne parvenais pas à le retenir / j’ai / alors je pense à quelque ch/ je pensais à anus (rires) / comme c’est quand même le tube digestif hein qui est en bas (rires) et ça va depuis lors je n’oublie plus (rires) et encore l’autre jour aussi un mot / tiens je ne sais p/ tu vois / si / j’ai / j’oublie certains mots / ’fin / je retombe dessus après hein… 

(ID code: ageJM1; Pseudo: Jeanne; Age: 90; Source: Corpage 2012; Task 1 Line life; Time code: 1:13:10)



LSFB – Sign language and aging: The French Belgian Sign Language Corpus Data POSTER