Versionen im Vergleich


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Uploaded by Caroline, Animal Kingdom combines both gestures and rhythm and allows participants to use their imagination and creativity. Each participant is thinks of an animal and a gesture that symbolizes the chosen animal. First, one after another, every participant introduces an animal and the fitting gesture, and then the game starts. The first person is does his gestures, claps two times to create a certain rhythm, and then does the animal's gesture of the next player and so on. This way every participant has to focus on each animal and its representation. However, this game is versatile and can also be played when introducing new topics and vocabulary.


Essential when working from home in front of a computer screen, here is a set of Fun Physical Exercises for Better Posture. (YouTube link tested 22 July 2212021)

The final game is an adaptation of Name with Action, Adjective and Alliteration from the book playing CLIL (pp. 90-91) and works in the following way:

Every member of the group thinks of their first name, and then comes up with an adjective that alliterates with it (‘alliterate’ meaning to start with the same letter or sound, e.g. Francesca - funny). The person who’s turn it is then acts out their adjective and everyone else has to guess what it is, knowing that it starts with the same sound as the person’s name. The student who guesses the correct adjective is up next. If that person has already acted out their adjective, they can pick somebody else who then continues until everybody had their turn.

If time allows, the students could later write a definition of their adjective on the blackboard.
