Versionen im Vergleich


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The goal of this activity is to get help children to engage with animals that can be found in the forest and also act those animals out. The students . Students are supposed to think of animals that can be found in the forest. Afterwards those these animals will be collected and students have to draw a random animal and act it out in front of their peers. When one of their peers guesses an animal they get the card with the animal on it and in the end the student with the most animal cards is the “winner” of the activity. Even though winning in this activity is not important, the idea of it can encourage the students to engage more with the activity.


The target group for this activity are children in 3-4 grade when they are still in the early stages of learning English. It can theoretically also be used for higher grades, but in that case modifiers can be added this case the game should be changed to increase the level of difficulty, like for example not just writing down an animal but also what the animal is doing. In this way, the acting as well as the guessing part of the game becomes more difficult. Preparation and the final acting probably take one lesson of 45 minutes. This way you can introduce the children to the idea of the task, have a decent time to collect all of their ideas and also act them out after without feeling too rushed about it.

Learning objectives

The goal is to strengthen the children’s vocabulary concerning the animals they are acting out and maybe also introducing some new vocabulary by pointing out what the animals are doing and how they would behave in certain situations. It also gets the students active and could take some fear of being in front of a group of people for them.
