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This drama activity to do with the pupil, is called "movement words".

It is simple to do, and it can be varied in time, from a very short 2-3 minutes activity to a longer one.It can also be adapted in English levels, it is to strongen and amplify Lexik/vocabularyis fun and it is a game where one student acts a word and the others guess the word.

The children build a circle, everyone is standing.


The English level of students has to be enough, they know the words on the list.. It can also be adapted in English levels, it is to strongen and amplify Lexik/vocabulary.

It is simple to do, and it can be varied in time, from a very short 2-3 minutes activity to a longer oneThe time for the activity can be from 3-15 minutes, maybe more.

Learning objectives

The children act out the words, they have to move in front of a group, so the first learning objective is to find confidence and experience the situation of being the center of attention in a group.


When the children understood the activity it is very easy, every has his/her turn and it is a fun character. When the children act out the movement and the others guess, for example for the word "running", the activity gains speed and the children can shout their guesses.
