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The seminar is held every Thursday in presence in Room D215 (Seminarraum) during the semester in presence every Thursday at 215:15 PM in Room D214 (Missionsraum)00 PM. We try to maintain a remote connection under:

List of topics:

Summer term 2024:

Apr 18: Mark Fox-Powell (The Open University, UK), The cold chemistry of cryovolcanism: Insights from experimental and natural analogues

Apr 25: Jessica Agarwal (University of Braunschweig), Decimetre-sized chunks at comet 67P and implications for understanding cometary activity

May 02: Namitha Baby (DLR), Deciphering terrain formation on Ganymede using impact craters

May 09: no seminar (holiday Himmelfahrt)

May 16: Lucia Hortal and Maryse Napoleoni (FUB), Report on their Antarctic expedition to acquire analogue samples for icy moons

May 23: Jordy Bowman (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder), Formation and Dissociation of Hydrocarbons in Space and in Planetary Atmospheres

May 30: Laura Garcia Gomez (Univ. of Malaga, Spain), LIBS for Planetary Exploration: Laboratory Approaches, Challenges and New Insights

Jun 06: Jürgen Schmidt (FUB), A new model of the Enceladus plume

Jun 13: Maja Bunke (FUB) on her Masters project: Influence of Surface Topography on the Steady State Dust Ejecta Clouds around Atmosphereless Moons

Jun 20: Ina Plesa (DLR),  Impact induced melting and surface mobilization on Europa

Jun 27: Peter Strub (FUB), A new Dust Model of the Saturnian System

Jul 04: Sebastian Walter with the Imaging subgroup report and Viktoria Franke (FUB) on her Bachelor's Project: The effects of cell lysis on the mass spectral detectability of bacterial biosignatures in ice grains ejected from icy moons

Jul 11: Maryse Napoleoni with the Cosmic Dust subgroup report and Alexa Schöpf (FUB/DLR) on her Master's project: Long Term Change Detection on Mars using HRSC images in comparison to other multi-temporal image data sets

Jul 18: Bo Wu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Planetary remote sensing and lunar regolith sample research at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Winter term 2023/2024:

Oct 26: Mirandah Ackley & Marie Dannenmann (FUB) about their PhD projects: "Assessing the environmental effects in subsurface oceans of icy moons on potential extraterrestrial life - A proposal"

Nov 02: Harald Krüger (MPI Sonnensystemforschung, Göttingen), "Interstellar Dust in the Solar System" and subgroup report Cosmics Dust and icy moons

Nov 09: Emily Wang (Univ of Tokyo, remote presentation), "From modelling the crater chronology of the outer Solar System to unveiling the absolute surface ages of Enceladus" and subgroup report Planetary Imaging

Nov 16: Paula Dewey (FUB) about her PhD project, "Cosmic Dust: Linking Asteroids and Meteorites"

Nov 23: Anastasiia Ovchinnikova (FUB), "Modelling the History of water in the Jezero Crater"

Nov 30: Pablo L. Finkel (Centro de Astrobiologia, Madrid): "Lipid Biomarkers in Extreme Environments and Their Significance in Astrobiology"

Dec 07: Daniela Tirsch (DLR), "HRSC on Mars Express: Operations and Selected Science Topics"

Dec 14: Jessica Agarwal (University of Braunschschweig), "Decimetre-sized chunks at comet 67P and implications for understanding cometary activity"

Dec 14: Veerle Sterken and Tim Arnet (ETH Zuerich), "Dust science from the Lunar Gateway" (exceptionally at 14:45 PM)

Dec 21: Edwin Mahlo (FUB), about his Master’s project, "Revisiting the LDEX measurements of the Lunar dust cloud"

Jan 11: Ina Plesa (DLR) , "Mars Underground: The Quest for Liquid Water"

Jan 18: Tina Rückriemen (DLR), "The thermal and dynamic state of Europa’s ice shell: Revealed by radar?"

Jan 25: René Prissang, "3D Markov simulation- a tool with a high potential for space mining"

Feb 01: Florent Borcher, SWRI (Texas), “Evaluating the Impact of Organics on the Ocean World Ice Shells using Thermodynamic Modelling”

Feb 08: Kierra Wilk (Brown University/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), "Variations in Surface Adsorbed Water on Lunar Soils and Relevant Minerals" and subgroup report Cosmic Dust and Icy Moons

Feb 15: Mustafa Yucel (Institute of Marine Sciences Middle East Technical University, Turkey), "Can particle ejecta trace possible biogeochemistry in Ocean Worlds? An Earth-centric comparative analysis of how life shapes inorganic particle signatures in pelagic and deep-sea habitats."  and subgroup report Planetary Imaging

Summer term 2023:

April 20: Imaging subgroup progress report and Clara Schmidt: "Extracting archaeal membrane lipids"

April 27: Cosmic Dust subgroup progress report, Alice Bellec: "Magnetosphere / dust interaction" and Judith Bloema: "Hydrothermal experiments for Enceladus"

May 04: Frank Postberg: "Phosphates from Enceladus Ocean"

May 11: Greg Michael: "HRSC high altitude colour mosaics of Mars"

May 18: - no seminar -

May 23 (not May 25th!) 3 PM:  Gabriel Tobie (Nantes): "Tides in the Jupiter system and beyond: a driver for the habitability of ocean worlds" (room tbd)

June 01: Edwin Kite: "Sustaining the connections that allow a sub-ice ocean to erupt into space on Saturn’s moon Enceladus (and Jupiter’s moon Europa?)"

June 08: Daniel Schirdewahn (Uni Potsdam), "Unmixing the Dust – Is There a Cleaning of Saturn's Rings?"

June 15: 3 p.m., Partha Bera (NASA ARC/BAERI), “Ab Initio Quantum Mechanical Investigations of Formation and Destruction of Bare and H2O-Cluster Bound Organic Molecules”

June 22: Chris Glein (Southwest Reserach Institute, Texas): "Is Saturn's moon Enceladus the most habitable world we know of beyond Earth?"

June 29: Maxwell Craddock (ELSI, Tokio): "Simulating Enceladus’ organic synthesis by hydrothermal processing and freeze cycles"

July 06: Michael Aye: "A multiscale traveling feature in Saturn rings: UV and visual observations"

July 13: Imaging subgroup report and Giacomo Nodjoumi: "DeepLandforms: asking machines to recognise landforms"

July 20: Cosmic dust subgroup report and Ralf Jaumann: "20 years Mars Express: a historic science review"

Winter term 2022/2023:

Oct 20: Imaging subgroup report and Lucia Hortal, "Introducing the Windsled: SOS Arctic 2022 expedition"

Oct 27: Cosmic Dust subgroup report  and Michael Aye, "Planetary citizen science"Oct 27: Lucia

Nov 03: Lígia Fonseca Coelho, "Catalogue of colors of life in ice - a guide to search for extra-terrestrial life"

Nov 10: Maja Bunke (master's), "Influence of Surface Topography on the Steady State Dust Ejecta Clouds around Atmosphereless Moons"

Nov 17: Alessandro Airo, "The Atacama Desert: Mars Analog and Cosmic Dust Repository"

Nov 24: Yaowen Luo, "Constraint on palaeohydrological activities from deltas on Mars"

Dec 1st: Natalie Wolfenbarger, "Terrestrial Constraints on the Distribution of Brine in Europa's Ice Shell"

Dec 8: Anastasiia Ovchinnikova, "The history of climate, water and ice on Mars based on the shorelines of paleolakes, related river systems and glacial features".

Dec 15: Yu Tao, "Enhancing remote sensing imagery using super-resolution restoration and extracting 3D from single-view images of planetary surfaces".

Jan 5: Thomas O'Sullivan, "Internship Results: Laboratory Techniques and Data Analysis Methods to Understand Enceladus Subsurface Ocean Chemistry"

Jan 12: Audrey Vorburger, "Investigating Europa's Plumes with JUICE's Neutral and Ion Mass Spectrometer".

Jan 19: Oleksiy Golubov, “Yarkovsky and YORP effects: how radiation pressure moves asteroids"

Jan 26: Gregoire Danger, "Dense molecular icy grains as a source of molecular diversity for planetary systems: clues from experiments" and Alexis Bouquet, "Radiation processing of organic matter on the surface of jovian moons: Experimental investigation of sulfur and electron bombardment".

Feb 02: Alexander Borchert, "Layered outcrops and their sedimentary context in Jezero Crater, Mars".

Feb 09: Arnaud Sanderink, "Optimisation of OLYMPIA, a new Orbitrap mass spectrometer for the characterisation of subsurface oceans in the outer solar system and hypervelocity dust".

Feb 16: Francois Poulet:"18months-exploration of the Jezero crater with the Perseverance rover".

Summer term 2022:

Apr 28 (04:30 PM!): Maximilian Hamm: "LRAD – The Radiometer of the Lunar South Pole Hopper µNova"
