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Participants: Gösta Ingvar Gabriel, Cale Johnson, Néhémie Strupler

Discussion about

  1. Techniques of the body can be excessive and "meaningless" outside the infrastructure ("bodybuilding")
  2. How are techniques transmitted?
  3. What is the definition of chaîne opératoire?
  4. Problem of the chaîne opératoire: It is a method with a strong focus on materiality & visibility.

Take-away questions:

  1. What happen to the invisible parts of the technique in the chaîne opératoire (such as belief)?

  2. Is it possible to define an end of a technique or an end to a chaîne opératoire?
  3. How does language and description connect to the steps of the chaîne opératoire?
  4. Is the material world, the reconstruction of techniques and chaine opératoire misdirecting our view to a by-product?

Definition of chaîne opératoire

1)  Christophe Delage (2017) Once upon a time…the (hi)story of the concept of the chaîne opératoire in French prehistory, World Archaeology, 49:2, 158-173, DOI: 10.1080/00438243.2017.1300104

This paper is about the history of concept of the chaîne opératoire (on the right).  I do not think that it gives a lot of clues about what chaîne opératoire is, but it is a good reference to pintpoint to the fact that it can be interpreted in different ways.

(p. 160): "One can only be amazed at the uncertainties and contradictions surrounding how this concept emerged in prehistory."

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2) Y. Tafelmaier et al., Methoden zur Analyse von Steinartefakten, essentials,

This paper is a kind of reference for students learning how to study stone artefact. This is the most basic reading of chaîne opératoire

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