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"What, for instance, could our notion of the “supernatural” mean for peoples who have no such sense of a “natural” realm composed of mindless, nonhuman realia subject only to their own laws?”

(Shalins, Forword in Descola 2013, Beyond Nature and Culture, xiii

Techniques involve both gestures and tools, sequentially organized by means of a ‘syntax’ that imparts both fixity and flexibility to the series of operations involved. This operating syntax is suggested by the memory and comes into being as a product of the brain and the physical environment. If pursue the parallel with language, we find a similar process taking place.”

(Leroi-Gourhan 1993, 114)

Welcome to the Reading Group

'Cross-linking Leroi-Gourhan’s

on Descola legacy

Shaping, using, recycling, or discarding objects frame our world by simultaneously entangling material, social and symbolic dimensions. André Leroi-Gourhan (1911-1986), a french paleontologist, developed methods of excavation and recording to reconstruct the underlying temporal sequences and spatial organization into technological processes. His approach shifted the focus from the study of objects and their classification (typology) toward the physical actions they embody as “cultural techniques”. He famously showed how smaller gestures are wove together to form complex technologies as the product of chaînes opératoires. This understanding of gesture not only as a social product, but also as a foundational element of society laid the ground to an enduring legacy on cultural anthropology of technology.

Leroi-Gourhan’s approach is a source of reflection, and some of his concepts are widely used tools toward the study of material culture. During the SoSe 2022, our reading group will focus on Leroi-Gourhan writings and legacy,

We aim at meeting every two weeks for five meetings. Meetings will take place Thursday from 14:00-16:00, Seminarraum, Institute für Wissensgeschichte des Altertums (Arnimallee 10)

Tentative schedule and readings (TBC)

May 5: Introduction & Precursors: Leroi-Gourhan’s Infrastructure?

    • Mauss 1973 [1936]: “Techniques of the body”

    • Schüttpelz 2010: “Körpertechniken”

May 19: Leroi-Gourhan’s Portrait & Theory: ! MEETING AT 15:00 s.t.

    • Leroi Gourhan 1993: Gesture and Speech p. 219-242

    • Audouze 2012: “Leroi-Gourhan, a Philosopher of Technique”

June 9th: Chaîne opératoire uses: 14:00 c.t.

    • Tafelmaier (2020), Der Chaîne opératoire-Ansatz

    • Bray (2020) Thinking with Diagrams

    • Škrabal (2019) Writing before Inscribing

June ??: Reception:

    • Ingold 1999: An appreciation of Leroi-Gourhan


Audouze, F. (2002). Leroi-Gourhan, a Philosopher of Technique and Evolution. Journal of Archaeological Research, 10(4), 277–306.

Hildebrandt, T (2011): Bild, Geste und Hand. Leroi-Gourhans paläontologische Bildtheorie. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft. Heft 14, Jg. 7, Nr. 2, S. 76–88. DOI:

Ingold, T. (1999). `Tools for the hand, language for the face’: An appreciation of Leroi-Gourhan’s gesture and speech. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 30 (4):411-453.

Ingold, T. (2021). Posthuman Prehistory, Nature and Culture, 16(1), 83-103 DOI:

Leroi-Gourhan, A. (1993 [1964]) Gesture and Speech, trans. A. Bostock Berger, intro. R. White (Cambridge, MA, and London: MIT Press).

Mauss M. (1973 [1936]) ‘Techniques of the body’, translated by Ben Brewster, Economy and Society 2: 70–88.

Bar‐Yosef O. and P. Van Peer (2009): The Chaîne Opératoire Approach in Middle Paleolithic Archaeology Current Anthropology 2009 50:1, 103-131

Schüttpelz E., Körpertechniken, Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung 1/2010: “Kulturtechnik” DOI:

Tresch J. (2019): Leroi-Gourhan’s Hall of Gestures. In Douglas Kahn, ed. Energies in the Arts. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 193-238.


Our reading group is visible and accessible to invited members only.

Current participants are: Cale Johnson, Nehemie Strupler


Néhémie Strupler

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereichs Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Institut für Wissensgeschichte des Altertums
Arnimallee 10
14195 Berlin (Germany) 

Techniques involve both gestures and tools, sequentially organized by means of a ‘syntax’ that imparts both fixity and flexibility to the series of operations involved. This operating syntax is suggested by the memory and comes into being as a product of the brain and the physical environment. If pursue the parallel with language, we find a similar process taking place.”

(Leroi-Gourhan 1993, 114)

Welcome to the Reading Group 'Cross-linking Leroi-Gourhan’s legacy

Shaping, using, recycling, or discarding objects frame our world by simultaneously entangling material, social and symbolic dimensions. André Leroi-Gourhan (1911-1986), a french paleontologist, developed methods of excavation and recording to reconstruct the underlying temporal sequences and spatial organization into technological processes. His approach shifted the focus from the study of objects and their classification (typology) toward the physical actions they embody as “cultural techniques”. He famously showed how smaller gestures are wove together to form complex technologies as the product of chaînes opératoires. This understanding of gesture not only as a social product, but also as a foundational element of society laid the ground to an enduring legacy on cultural anthropology of technology.

Leroi-Gourhan’s approach is a source of reflection, and some of his concepts are widely used tools toward the study of material culture. During the SoSe 2022, our reading group will focus on Leroi-Gourhan writings and legacy,

We aim at meeting every two weeks for five meetings. Meetings will take place Thursday from 14:00-16:00, Seminarraum, Institute für Wissensgeschichte des Altertums (Arnimallee 10)


Tentative schedule and readings (TBC)

May 5: Introduction & Precursors: Leroi-Gourhan’s Infrastructure?

    • Mauss 1973 [1936]: “Techniques of the body”

    • Schüttpelz 2010: “Körpertechniken”

May 19: Leroi-Gourhan’s Portrait & Theory: ! MEETING AT 15:00 s.t.

    • Leroi Gourhan 1993: Gesture and Speech p. 219-242

    • Audouze 2012: “Leroi-Gourhan, a Philosopher of Technique”

June 2: Leroi-Gourhan’s Methods:

    • Leroi-Gourhan 1993: “Gesture and Speech” p. 242-269

    • Bar‐Yosef 2009: “The Chaîne Opératoire Approach”

June 16: Reception:

    • Ingold 1999: An appreciation of Leroi-Gourhan

    • (alternative: Ingold 2021: Posthuman Prehistory)

June 30: Reception in “Media Studies”:

    • Hildebrandt 2011: Bild, Geste und Hand

    • Tresch 2019: Leroi-Gourhan’s Hall of Gesture


Audouze, F. (2002). Leroi-Gourhan, a Philosopher of Technique and Evolution. Journal of Archaeological Research, 10(4), 277–306.

Hildebrandt, T (2011): Bild, Geste und Hand. Leroi-Gourhans paläontologische Bildtheorie. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft. Heft 14, Jg. 7, Nr. 2, S. 76–88. DOI:

Ingold, T. (1999). `Tools for the hand, language for the face’: An appreciation of Leroi-Gourhan’s gesture and speech. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 30 (4):411-453.

Ingold, T. (2021). Posthuman Prehistory, Nature and Culture, 16(1), 83-103 DOI:

Leroi-Gourhan, A. (1993 [1964]) Gesture and Speech, trans. A. Bostock Berger, intro. R. White (Cambridge, MA, and London: MIT Press).

Mauss M. (1973 [1936]) ‘Techniques of the body’, translated by Ben Brewster, Economy and Society 2: 70–88.

Bar‐Yosef O. and P. Van Peer (2009): The Chaîne Opératoire Approach in Middle Paleolithic Archaeology Current Anthropology 2009 50:1, 103-131

Schüttpelz E., Körpertechniken, Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung 1/2010: “Kulturtechnik” DOI:

Tresch J. (2019): Leroi-Gourhan’s Hall of Gestures. In Douglas Kahn, ed. Energies in the Arts. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 193-238.


Our reading group is visible and accessible to invited members only.

Current participants are: Cale Johnson, Nehemie Strupler


Néhémie Strupler

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereichs Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Institut für Wissensgeschichte des Altertums
Arnimallee 10
14195 Berlin (Germany)