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h5. Beach Sand, Leucate Plage

| !Eu1_leucate-plage_Umgph.jpg|thumbnail! | | !0053_Makro.png|thumbnail! |
| Leucate Beach \\
{table-cell} | Macro |

| *Location* \\ | Leucate - Plage, S France, S of Perpignan, Mediterranean |
| *Depositional facies* \\ | Broad, open, gently inclined beach with coarse sand |
| *Provenance* \\ | Rhone, Alpine, Pyrenees, Cap de Creuz |
| *Composition* \\ | Cloudy quartz; black amphibole or metamorph fine grained schist; yellowish carbonate fragments (bivalves?); white plagioclase; few coarse grained limpid quartz |
| *Texture* | Medium grained, well sorted, very well rounded beach sand |
h6. Petrographic thin section:
| *Description* | _insert here short description of thin section_ |

| *Sample number* | heubeck0053 |
| *Collector* | Christoph Heubeck, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, FU Berlin | 
| *Date of sampling* | April 2001 |

h6. Comments:

_replace this text with further comments about the sand ecc._

[Additional data page|geowisssand:0053 Additional data]