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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 4.0
h5. Carbonate sand, Plage de St. Jean, St. Barthelmy, Caribbean

| !As5_st_jean_St.Bartholomy_Umgph.png|thumbnail! | | !Barthol_Rotalgen_mak.JPG|thumbnail! |
| Plage de St. Jean, St. Barthelmy  \\
{table-cell} | Fragments of red algae |

| *Location* \\ | Beach, Plage de St.Jean, St. Barthelmy, Caribbean |
| *Depositional facies* \\ | _replace this with text about the dep facies_ |
| *Provenance* \\ | Diverse and typical mixture of carbonate fragments of marine provenance and some quite particular VRFs and MRFs of landward andesitic provenance |
| *Composition* \\ | Dominant white carbonate sand (CaCO3, calcite and aragonite); few fractions of quartz, chlorite?, hornblende, fine grained and dark mafic rock fragments (Lv), intermediary plutonic fragments, black obsidian |
| *Texture* | Medium sand (ca. 350 µ), moderately sorted, subangular |
h6. Petrographic thin section:
| *Description* | Characteristic "finger print" red algae, tubular serpulids, few benthic foraminifera, radial coralline sceletal fragments, angular echinoid plate |

| !Barthol_ts_II_sm1000.png|thumbnail! | | !Barthol_ts_x_sm1000.png|thumbnail! |
| Bright field \\ 
{table-cell} | Dark field |

| *Sample number* | heubeck0077 |
| *Collector* | Christoph Heubeck, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, FU Berlin | 
| *Date of sampling* | 2004 |

h6. Comments:

Dominated by white, fine cristalline, porous coralline sceletal fragments (>90%), accessory transparent opaline sponge spiculae, fragments of bryozoa, few hyaline brown mollusca, large ovoid benthic foraminifera, angular echinoderm plates, rarely ostracoda, possibly plates from calcareous algae

[Additional data page|geowisssand:0077 Additional data]