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h5. River Sand, Rio Pitai, Santa Cruz,


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Rio Pitai






Rio Pitai, Santa Cruz, Bolivia


Depositional facies:


Broad, shallow and sandy riverbed




The Rio Pitai drains the Subandean Ranges and erodes thick palaeozoic and mesozoic continental sedimentary rocks as well as thick eolian sediments






Petrographic thin section:


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Moderately sorted, moderately to
well rounded quartz sand. Typical
for provenance from a fold belt of
clastic sedimentary rocks

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Bright field


Dark field




medium to fine grained, well sorted, subrounded

Sample number


Date of sampling


Christoph Heubeck, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, FU Berlin






| !SA_Rio pitai.jpg|thumbnail! | | !0026_makro.jpg|thumbnail! |
| Rio Pitai \\
{table-cell} | Macro |

| *Location* \\ | Rio Pitai, Santa Cruz, Bolivia |
| *Depositional facies* \\ | Broad, shallow and sandy riverbed |
| *Provenance* \\ | The Rio Pitai drains the Subandean Ranges and erodes thick palaeozoic and mesozoic continental sedimentary rocks as well as thick eolian sediments |
| *Composition* \\ | Quartz |
| *Texture* | Medium to fine grained, well sorted, subrounded |
h6. Petrographic thin section:
| *Description* | Moderately sorted, moderately to well rounded quartz sand. Typical for provenance from a fold belt of clastic sedimentary rocks |

| !26-IMGP5037sm.jpg|thumbnail! | | !26-IMGP5038sm.jpg|thumbnail! |
| Bright field \\
{table-cell} | Dark field |

| *Sample number* | Heubeck0026 |
| *Collector* | Christoph Heubeck, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, FU Berlin | 
| *Date of sampling* | 2003 |

h6. Comments:

The meandering and braided Rio Pitai in the Bolivian lowland of the Amazonas Basin erodes the Subandean Miocene-Recent fold-and \-thrust belt. This belt exposes thick continental successions of Carboniferous to Cretaceous eolian sandstones. The supermature source, the high mechanical resistance, and weathering of river sands under a tropical climate all contribute to the maturity. These sands are most likely multiply recycled.

[Additional data page|geowisssand:0026 Additional data]