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h5. Carbonate Sand, Yucatan, Mexico

| !0059 - NA Isla Mujeres kanlaya4.jpg|thumbnail! | | !17_1.JPG|thumbnail! |
| Environment \\
{table-cell} | Macro |

| *Location:* \\ | Isla Mujeres, Yucatan, Mexico |
| *Depositional facies:* \\ | broad, shallow, long, medium to low energy beach |
| *Provenance:* \\ | local provenance from the water covered Yucatan platform east of Isla Mujeres. Biogenically grown carbonate is eroded periodically by hurricanes and transported to the beaches by currents |
| *Composition:* \\ | CaCO3 (calcite and aragonite) |
| *Texture:* | Medium grained, well sorted, well rounded |
h6. Petrographic thin section:
| !Hellfeld_Isla_Mujeres_0017.jpg|thumbnail! | Dominated by "tiara" or  \\
fingerprint similar red algae \\ | !Dunkelfeld_IMujeres_0017.jpg|thumbnail! |
| Bright field \\
{table-cell} | Dark field \\ |

| *Sample number* | heubeck0017 |
| *Collector* | unknown (gift) | 
| *Date of sampling* | 1995? |

h6. Comments:

Isla Mujeres is a huge island near Yucatan