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h5. Mountain stream sand, Entenlochklamm, Germany/Austria


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Entenlochklamm, Chiemgau Alps, Germany/Austria


Depositional facies:


Mountain stream, gorge; highly variable flow conditions and short transport




orogen; sediments and metasediments of the eastern alps (Kössener Becken/Schichten)




SRFs (partly low grade metamorphic overprinted) → clay shales/shists (phyllite), limestones (packstones with fragments of fossiles), dolomite, marl, chert; PRFs (also low grade metamorphic overprinted) → monocrystalline quartz, plagioclase, hornblende, chlorite


Petrographic thin section:


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Metasedimentary provenance of 
coarse crystalline, almost marble like
limestones, clay bearing shaly marl, 
monocrystalline quartz, quartz bearing
plutonic rock fragments, metalitharenite
with high mica content and compact

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Bright field


Dark field




Immature, very poorly sorted, subrounded, bright and dark grey, reddish, medium to coarse sand (250 to 1250 μm)

Sample number


Date of sampling


Christoph Heubeck, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, FU Berlin





| !|thumbnail! | | !0028_makro.JPG|thumbnail! |
| Entenlochklamm\\
{table-cell} | Macro |

| *Location* \\ | Entenlochklamm, Chiemgau Alps, Germany/Austria |
| *Depositional facies* \\ | Mountain stream, gorge; highly variable flow conditions and short transport |
| *Provenance* \\ | Orogenic; sediments and metasediments of the eastern alps (Kössener Becken/Schichten) |
| *Composition* \\ | SRFs (partly low grade metamorphic overprinted) → clay shales/shists (phyllite), limestones (packstones with fragments of fossiles), dolomite, marl, chert; PRFs (also low grade metamorphic overprinted) → monocrystalline quartz, plagioclase, hornblende, chlorite |
| *Texture* | Immature, very poorly sorted, subrounded, bright and dark grey, reddish, medium to coarse sand (250 to 1250 μm) |
h6. Petrographic thin section:
| *Description* | Metasedimentary provenance of coarse crystalline, almost marble like limestones, clay bearing shaly marl, monocrystalline quartz, quartz bearing plutonic rock fragments, metalitharenite with high mica content and compact mudstones |

| !0028-th_s_II_1500.jpg|thumbnail! |  | !0028-th-s-X_1500.jpg|thumbnail! |
| Bright field \\
{table-cell} | Dark field |

| *Sample number* | heubeck0028 |
| *Collector* | Christoph Heubeck, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, FU Berlin | 
| *Date of sampling* | 2002 |

h6. Comments:

Die Entenlochklamm wird von der Tiroler Ache durchflossen, die den „Kaiserwinkel" im nördlichen Vorland des Kaisergebirges (genauer des Zahmen Kaisers) entwässert. Dort stehen deformierte und leicht metamorphisierte klastisch-karbonatische Gesteine der triassischen Kössener Schichten an.   Probenpunkt an einer schmalen, hochgelegenen, ca. 50 m langen Sandbank am stromabwärtigen Ende der Klamm.

[Additional data page|geowisssand:0028 Additional data]