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The rule of law in Afghanistan has been, generally speaking, fragile. The _[Bonn Agreement|]_ (2001) began the process, focusing on political institutions and procedures, emphasizing the reform of Afghanistan's justice system by stating that "with the assistance of the United Nations, a Judicial Commission \[should be established\] to rebuild the domestic justice system in accordance with Islamic principles, international standards, the rule of law and Afghan legal traditions." (Chapter II. 2. on "Legal framework and judicial system")_._ Subsequently, the _[_Afghanistan Compact_|]_ (London Conference 2006) followed up on that initiative by signalling an agreement between the Afghan government and the international community. Moreover, the Rome&nbsp;_[Conference on the Rule of Law in Afghanistan|]_ (2007) - based on UN Security Council [Resolution 1746|] (2007) - reaffirmed the crucial importance of judicial and legal reform and the implantation of the rule of law reform for the reconstruction of Afghanistan. Finally, in 2008, the United Nations Development Programme Afghanistan arranged the _Support to Provincial Justice Coordination Mechanism_ project.&nbsp;Accordingly, the legal rule of law discourse and analyses have been centred primarily under the overall scope of Afghanistan's justice system reform. Disquisitions on the rule of law in Afghanistan are therefore rather focusing on efforts dealing with practical issues such as the establishment of procedures and strengthening the judiciary as stipulated e.g. in the "<span style="color: black"><em>qānūn-e tashkīlāt va salāhiyāt-e mohākem-e qove-ye qasā-ye jomhūrī-ye eslāmī-ye Afghānestān" (Law of Organisation and Jurisdiction of Courts of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Official Gazette o. 851, 31 Sawar 1384 (21 May 2005))</em></span><span style="color: black">.</span> At large, the evaluation of the situation seems to be disheartening (Barnett 2007: 1). Some observers state that the rule of law in Afghanistan has not improved since the overthrow of the Taliban in December 2001. Many point out that security and freedom from corruption - key elements in fostering the rule of law - are nowhere near a reality in a country that has been ranked in the second or third lowest percentile for corruption by the World Bank Institute (Wardak et al. 2007: 37-50; Röder 2007: role of the state (dawlat) as a formal structure of authority, and in maintaining social order in Afghan society, has historically been limited. This applies in particular to rural Afghanistan, where about 80% of the Afghan population has been living (Barfield 2008: 353). In some southern and eastern parts of the country, state institutions have no - or merely a nominal - existence (Wardak 2006: 355; Zuccarelli 2006: 227; Hagerty/Hagerty 2005: 123).The weakness of the Afghan state in mind, the _[Bonn Agreement|]_ (2001) began a process, focusing on political institutions and procedures, emphasizing the reform of Afghanistan's justice system by stating that "with the assistance of the United Nations, a Judicial Commission \[should be established\] to rebuild the domestic justice system in accordance with Islamic principles, international standards, the rule of law and Afghan legal traditions." (Chapter II. 2. on "Legal framework and judicial system")_._ Subsequently, the _[_Afghanistan Compact_|]_ (London Conference 2006) followed up on that initiative by signalling an agreement between the Afghan government and the international community. Moreover, the Rome&nbsp;_[Conference on the Rule of Law in Afghanistan|]_ (2007) - based on UN Security Council [Resolution 1746|] (2007) - reaffirmed the crucial importance of judicial and legal reform and the implantation of the rule of law reform for the reconstruction of Afghanistan. Finally, in 2008, the United Nations Development Programme Afghanistan arranged the _Support to Provincial Justice Coordination Mechanism_ project.&nbsp;Accordingly, the legal rule of law discourse and analyses have been centred primarily under the overall scope of Afghanistan's justice system reform. Disquisitions on the rule of law in Afghanistan are therefore rather focusing on efforts dealing with practical issues such as the establishment of procedures and strengthening the judiciary as stipulated e.g. in the "<span style="color: black"><em>qānūn-e tashkīlāt va salāhiyāt-e mohākem-e qove-ye qasā-ye jomhūrī-ye eslāmī-ye Afghānestān" (Law of Organisation and Jurisdiction of Courts of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Official Gazette o. 851, 31 Sawar 1384 (21 May 2005))</em></span><span style="color: black">.</span> At large, the evaluation of the situation seems to be disheartening (Barnett 2007: 1). Some observers state that the rule of law in Afghanistan has not improved since the overthrow of the Taliban in December 2001. Many point out that security and freedom from corruption - key elements in fostering the rule of law - are nowhere near a reality in a country that has been ranked in the second or third lowest percentile for corruption by the World Bank Institute (Wardak et al. 2007: 37-50; Röder 2007: 307).

I. Rule of Law in Afghanistan's Context



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Thomas Barfield (2003): Afghan Customary Law and Its Relationship to Formal Judicial Institutions, United States Institute for Peace, 1-.Peace, 1-....

Thomas Barfield (2008):'Culture and Custom in Nation-Building: Law in Afghanistan', Maine Law Review, volume 60, issue 2, University of Maine, College of Law, Portland, 348-...

Laura Barnett (2007): Afghanistan: The rule of lawM. Cherif Bassiouni/ Daniel Rothenberg (2007): An Assessment of Justice Sector and Rule of Law Reform in Afghanistan and the Need of a Comprehensive Plan, Rome 3 July 2007

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Ramin Moschtaghi (2006): Organisation and Jurisdiction of the newly established Afghan Courts: Compliance of the formal System of Justice with the Bonn Agreement, Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Volume 10, Leiden et al., 531-...

Ramin Moschtaghi (2008): Aktuelle Probleme beim Rechtsstaatsaufbau in Afghanistan: Das Gutachten des Obersten Gerichsthofes zum Misstrauensantrag des Unterhauses gegen den Außenminister, Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Heidelberg Journal of International Law), Volume 68, No. 2, 509-...

Ramin Moschtaghi (2009): Max Planck Manual on Afghan Constitutional Law, Volume One: Structure and Principles of the State, Amended 3rd Edition, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg

Julia Pfeiffer (2009): Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Afghanistan: Zustand und Verbesserungsansätze gemäß der "Afghan National Development Strategy", Zeitschrift für Afghanistankunde, No. 3, SIIBA, 24-...

Ruth Rennie/ Suchindra Sharma/ Pawan Sen (2009): Afghanistan in 2009: A Survey of the Afghan People, The Asia Foundation, Kabul

Tilmann J. Röder (2007): Little Steps Forward: Some Remarks on the Rome Conference on the Rule of Law in Afghanistan, Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Volume 11, Leiden et al., 307-...

Tilmann J. Röder (2009): Kollisionen zwischen shari-'a, Gesetz und Stammestradition in Afghanistan, in: Matthias Kötter/ Gunnar Folke Schuppert (eds.): Normative Pluralität ordnen: Rechtsbegriffe, Normenkollisionen und Rule of Law in Kontexten dies- und jenseits des Staates, 257-...

Amy Senier (2006): Rebuilding the Judicial Sector in Afghanistan: The Role of Customary Law, al-Nakhla, The Fletcher School Online Journal for Issues related to Southwest Asia and Islamic Civilization, The Fletcher School, Tufts University, Medford

Alexandra Strand Holm (2007): Rule of Law in Afghanistan, Dutch NGO Network for Afghanistan, Kabul, 5 July 2007

United States Institute for Peace (2004): Establishing the Rule of Law in Afghanistan, Special Report 117, Washington D.C.Ali Wardak (2004): Building a post-justice system in Afghanistan, Crime, Law and Social Change, Vol. 41, No. 4, 319Peace (2004): Establishing the Rule of Law in Afghanistan, Special Report 117, Washington D.C.

Ali Wardak (2004): Building a post-justice system in Afghanistan, Crime, Law and Social Change, Vol. 41, No. 4, 319-...

Ali Wardak (2006), 'Structures of Authority and Local Dispute Settlement in Afghanistan' in Hans-Jörg Albrecht / Jan-Michael Simon / Hassan Rezaei / Holger-C. Rohne / Ernesto Kiza (eds.), Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in Middle Eastern Societies - Between Tradition and Modernity, Berlin, 347-...

Ali Wardak/ Daud Saba et al. (2007): Afghanistan Human Development Report: Bridging Modernity and Tradition and the Search of Justice, Center for Policy and Human Development, Kabul/Islamabad

Fausto Zuccarelli (2006) 'The Rule of Law and Justice in Afghanistan' in Angela Del Vecchio (ed.), New International Tribunals and New International Proceedings, Giuffrè, Milan, 211-...