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The rule of law in Lebanon is characterized by an inconsistency of the law and by a disparity between law and practice. The 1990 amendments to the Lebanese Constitution launched  the basic structures for the rule of law. At the same time, they  introduced introduced the system of Ta’efiya, or confessionalism, that distributes political and institutional power proportionally among Christian and Muslim sects, and has undermined all efforts to establish the ’State of Law’. Passed as a temporary mechanism for embracing religious and sectarian diversity, confessionalism, was transformed from a mechanism for partnership and peaceful coexistence to a tool that compromises the prevalence of the law. Post war governments focused on rebuilding infrastructure and promoting economic growth instead of a top down reform approach that strengthens and develops institutions to which the legislative, executive and judicial powers devolve.  Successive and protracted political and economic crisis continue to hamper the strengthening of the rule of law despite the political discourse that poses the rule of law as a solution to the crisis. Accordingly, the implementation process of the rule of law in Lebanon has been progressing along a vicious circular track.




Amnesty International 2012: Amnesty International Annual Report 2012: Lebanon, 24 May 2012.  (last accessed on 16 July 2012).

Amrieh, Antoine 2012: Protestors Threaten to Expand North Lebanon Demos, The Daily Star, 25 May 2012. (last accessed on 18 July 2012).

Freedom House 2011: Freedom in the World 2011 - Lebanon, 12 May 2011, (last accessed on16 July 2012)

Ghanem, Ghaleb 2006: Introduction to the Rule of law, Rule of Law (Meetings and Lectures 2005-2006), UNDP,

Human Rights Watch, Lebanon, 2011: Prison Deaths, Injuries Need Independent Investigation, 8 April 2011,  (last accessed on 18 July 2012).

IRIN, Integrated Regional Information Networks 2012: Lebanon: Tussle over gender violence law, 8 March 2012,  (last accessed on 16 July 2012).

Jamoul, Hussein 2011: A Legal reading of the Constitutionality of the Tribunal for Lebanon, AlAkhbar, 18 January 2011,  (last accessed on 16 July 2012).

Lebanese Parlament Parliament 2012: Parliamentary Commission for the Modernization of Laws Proposes Amendments to Law concerning Military Judiciary, 20 March 2012. (last accessed on 18 July 2012).

Majzoub, Mohamad 2002: Constitutional Law and the Lebanese Political System, Al-Halabi Publishers, Beirut.

Manssouri, Wasim 2007: Laws concerning the Constitutional Council: Saving the Institute or Obstructing it, AlAdel Magazine, Beirut Bar Association, Vol. 41, , (last accessed on 1 June 2012).

Messara, Antoine / Morkos, Paul 2006: Observatory of the Judiciary in Lebanon: Defence of Justice, Fairness, and Liberties (Selected Forms of Court Judgments), Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace in cooperation with the US-Middle East Partnership Initiative, Oriental Library, Beirut.

Naharnet Newsdesk 2012: “Baragwanath: STL Can Address False Witnesses File after Lebanese Govt, U.N. Agree to it”, March 2012, (last accessed on 16 July 2012).

Saliba, Issam 2007: Lebanon: Presidential Election and the Conflicting Constitutional Interpretations, Law Library of Congress, October 2007, (last accessed on 17 July 2012))

Saliba, Issam 2010: Lebanon Constitutional law and the Political Rights of Religious Communities, speech delivered at the Lebanese American University in Beirut in 2009, Law Library of Congress, (last accessed on 29 June 2012).

Serhal, Ahmad 2010: The Pact Document between Theory and Practice Twenty Years after the Taef Agreement, AlHayat AlNiyabiyah, Vol. 74, March 2010.

Takieddine, Suleiman 2000: Challenges that Face the Judiciary Power in its Role as an Independent Power, National Accord Document-A National Critical Review, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies and Balamand, University of Beirut.

Takieddine, Suleiman: An Independent Judiciary for a better Justice, Options for Lebanon, Ed. Nawaf Salam, center for Lebanese Studies, Oxford 2004.

United States Department of State 2012 Trafficking in Persons Report - Lebanon, 19 June 2012,  (last accessed on 16 July 2012).

Further Reading

Conseil Costititionnel Annuaire, 2009-2010, Vol. 4.

Doha Agreement 2009: Building a Culture of Pacts in Lebanon for an Effective Citizenship, Arab Democracy Foundation and Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace, Beirut.

Karam, Karam / Catusse, Myriam 2009: Reforms at a Standstill for the Taef Government of Lebanon, Arab Reform Initiative in cooperation with the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, December 2009.

Mansour, Maya / Daoud, Carlos 2010: Lebanon: The Independence and Impartiality of the Judiciary, Euromed.

Messara, Antoine 2003 : La Gouvernance d’un Système Consensuel: Le Liban après les amendements constitutionnels de 1990, Librairie Orientale, Beyrouth.

Mugraby, Muhamad 2008: Upholding the Rule of Law with the Hariri Court, Daily Star, 29 July 2008,

People’s Peacemaking Perspectives 2012: Lebanon Policy Brief, Conciliation Resources and Safe World, May 2012,

Picard, Elizabeth / Ramsbotham, Alexander (ed.) 2012: Reconciliation Reform and Resilience: Positive Peace for Lebanon, Conciliation Resources, June 2012.

Rabbath, Edmond 1982 : La Constitution Libanaise: Origines, Textes et Commentaires, Université Libanaise, Beyrouth 1982.

Rabbath, Edmond 1986: La formation Historique Du Liban Politique et Constitutionnel: Essai De Synthèse, 2 ed, Librairie Orientale.

Salam, Nawaf 2007: Taif’s Dysfunctions and the Need for Constitutional Reform, Breaking the Cycle of Civil Wars in Lebanon, Ed. Yousef Choueri, Stacey International, London.


In Arabic:

Al-Hindi, Khalil / Antoine Al-Nashef 1998: The Constitutional Council in Lebanon, AlMo’asasa Alhaditha lil Kitab, Tripoli.

Bashir, Iskandar 2006: Confessionalism in Lebanon-Until When, University Institute, Beirut.

NN 2010: Building the State of Right and Law, AlHalabi Publishers, Beirut.

Shiha, Ibrahim 1994: Political Systems and Constitutional Laws with an Analytical Study on Lebanon’s Constitutional System, AlDar AlJami’iya, Beirut.

Shukr, Zuhair 2006: An Intermediary to Lebanese Constitutional Law, Zein Law Publishers, Beirut.

Younes, Nizar 2005: The Road to the State, Dar AlMasar, Beirut.

Ziadeh, Tareq 2010: The Meaning of Lebanon, AlHaditha Institute, Tripoli.
