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Bolly, Catherine T. & Charlot, Valentine (2013). Understanding the elderly’s everyday language: A mutually enriching dialogue between research and society. Annual VALS/ASLA Conference: What is the relevance of linguistic research for society? Questioning the notion of “impact”, 13 May 2013, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland).

Bolly, Catherine T. (2012). Language and (inter)subjectivity in normal aging. A corpus-based multimodal approach to the empathic ability of very old people. XIIème Colloque International sur le Vieillissement Cognitif(JEV 2012), 25-26 June 2012, Tours (France).


Bolly, Catherine T. (2014c). What corpora for discourse and aging studies studies ? From words to gestures (and conversely). Research seminar (Org.: A. Gerstenberg). 23 April 2014, Freie Universität of Berlin, Berlin (Germany).
