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  • International CLARe Workshop Communicating with the elderly people. What about their language in use? / Communiquer avec la personne âgée. Regards croisés sur l’usage langagier de nos aînés (Org.: C. Bolly; CLARe research group, Louvain4Ageing consortium and Valibel center), 8 October 2014, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) [Pdf: Program] 
  • One-day Conference on Multimodality: New questions, interdisciplinary perspectives, and new methodologies (Org.: C. T. Bolly, B. Garcia, E. Soroli, V. Vapnarsky, C. Vincent; Working group 4 of the Linguistic Consortium IRCOM), 6 June 2014, INALCO, Paris (France) 


Plenary talks


  • Bolly, Catherine T. (2015). Changements pragmatiques liés à l'âge. Stratégies adaptatives et compensation pour une interaction normée (Age-related pragmatic changes in late life. Adaptive strategies and compensation to reach the norm in interaction). Conference Atylang - Atypies langagières: mais de quoi parle-t-on vraiment?, 27-28 November 2015, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre (France)A. Gerstenberg (2015). How to make sense of historical key words in biographical interviews. Workshop “Oral History Meets Linguistics” 3–4 December 2015, FRIAS, Universität Freiburg 


Conferences (peer-reviewed)
