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Room 102

(A) SPECIAL SESSION: Perspectives from Practice
Chair: Gordon Mueller-Seitz, Free University Berlin, Germany

  • "Free to Know or Free to Own" (Paper)
    Daniel Strype, CreativeCommons Aotearoa/New Zealand
  • "From Mass Media to Community Media: Self-Management of Disability through the Free Culture Movement"
    Alexander Libin, Georgetown University, USA
    Manon Lauderdale, Medstar Health Research Institute, USA
    Brenda Triyono, Medstar Health Research Institute, USA
    Inger Ljungberg, Medstar Health Research Institute, USA
    Suzanne Groah, Medstar Health Research Institute, USA
  • "Making It New:"
    Louis Suarez-Potts, Oracle, Canada

    Commentator: Andres Guadamuz, University of Edinburgh, UK

Room K005

(B) New Forms of Access: Preconditions and Consequences 
Chair: Volker Grassmuck, GPOPAI/EACH/USP, Brazil

Room 107a

Coffee Break


Break-out sessions are discussion-oriented workshops, which should provide a relatively open space for exchanging ideas, questions and information on past and future research projects.

Room 105

Hybrid Economy: When is 'free' necessary and when is it  'sharecropping'?

In this breakout you will be asked to ponder this simple question: When does the market really need 'free' in a way which is consistent with the vision behind Creative Commons and not equivalent to sharecropping? We will try to identify such cases (real life examples would help), categorize and characterize them. The idea came out of a discussion with Lessig in Seoul a few months ago. It is a thought experiment. It may lead nowhere. If it does, that will be interesting in itself.

 Moderator: Giorgos Cheliotis, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Room 102

Free Culture Lawyers: Legal Frontiers

Lawyers and friends are invited to discuss legal matters that are near and dear to the hearts of Free Culture advocates and researchers. One such issue is that of license proliferation and incompatibilities across jurisdictions. Bring along your thoughts on this or suggest more topics on the spot.
Moderator: Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands National Center for Scientific Research, France

Room K005

Social Science and Humanities approach to Free Culture

A chance for social scientists (very broadly defined) to mingle and discuss what a social scientist (or business scholar or humanist for that matter) can bring to bear on the major topics that are of concern to Free Culture. 

Moderator: Jeanette Hofmann, Social Science Research Center Berlin, Germany

Room 108a

Computer Science and Free Culture

Computer scientists, engineers and technologists of all types, this is where we invite you to meet others with similar backgrounds and an interest in Free Culture, find out what they're working on, and discover common themes or propose new topics or projects. 

Moderator: Sonja Buchegger, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Room 107a

Buffet Lunch



Room 102

(A) Free Culture Institutions
Chair: Johanna Niesyto, University of Siegen, Germany

  • "Institutional engagement in commons-based peer production: Gratifications, self-efficacy and collective efficacy" (Paper)
    Rong Wang, National University of Singapore
    Giorgos Cheliotis, National University of Singapore
  • "Commercial providers of online infrastructure for online creation communities" (Paper)
    Mayo Fuster Morell, European University Institute, Italy
  • "Managing Boundaries between Organizations and Communities: Comparing Wikimedia and Creative Commons" (Paper)
    Leonhard Dobusch, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
    Sigrid Quack, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Germany

    Commentator: Prodromos Tsiavos, London School of Economics, UK 

Room K005

(B) Free Culture and the Knowledge Society
Chair: Tal Niv, UC Berkeley and Creative Commons, USA

  • "The role of Free Culture in the fight against corruption"
    Renata Avila Pinto, Creative Commons Guatemala
  • "The Knowledge Society – a Freedom Centred Perspective" (Paper)
    Wouter TebbensFree Knowledge Institute, Spain 
    Hinde Ten Berge, Free Knowledge Institute, Netherlands
    David Jacovkis, Free Knowledge Institute, Spain 
    Franco Iacomella, Free Knowledge Institute, Argentina 
  • "How Open are Societies in the Virtual?" (Paper)
    Holger Kienle, University of Victoria, Canada
    Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Malardalen University, Sweden
    Andreas Lober, RAe Schulte Riesenkampff, Germany
    Crina Vasiliu, Democracy Reporting International, Germany
    Commentator: Mathias Klang, Lund University, Sweden

Room 107a

Coffee Break

Room 105

"Free Culture Research and Policy: Towards a More Balanced and Inclusive Policy Making"

Room 105


Members of the Organizing Committee take feedback and discuss next steps.