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The seminar is held every Thursday (starting April 28) during the semester at 2:15 PM (except on April 28th at 04:30 PM) in the virtual room:

List of topics:

Summer term 2022:

Apr 28 (04:30 PM!): Maximilian Hamm: "LRAD – The Radiometer of the Lunar South Pole Hopper µNova"

May 05: Imaging Subgroup report and Janine Bönigk: "Analogue experiments with Sphingopyxis alaskensis for the detection of bacterial biosignatures in ice grains from Enceladus and Europa“

May 12: Cosmic Dust subgroup report and tbd

Winter term 2021/2022:

Oct 19: Mass Spectrometry subgroup report and Muhammad Umair: “Update on spectra processing and a Graphical User Interface for the Spectral data base”

Oct 26: Imaging subgroup erport and Wladimir Neumann: “Modelling the thermo-chemical evolution of asteroids and meteorite parent bodies: From dust to magma oceans”

Nov 2: Ralf Jaumann: "Update on recent activities of the Mars 2020 mission"

Nov 9: Jürgen Schmidt: "The mass flux of interplanetary dust at Saturn's distance from the Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyzer"

Nov 16: Sebastian Walter: "Coregistration of large heterogeneous datasets of planetary surfaces for the systematic creation of global image and topography models" and Frank Postberg: "Overview over the final tour of Europa flybys selected for the Europa Clipper mission"

Nov 23: Fabian Klenner: "Latest results from the FU Planetary Science Astrobiology lab"

Nov 30: Gene Schmidt: "Composition, mapping and lithostratigraphy of layered deposits on Mars"

Dec 7: Cosmic Dust subgroup report and Laura Patermann: "Oxia Planum: The Landing Site for the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Rover"

Dec 14: Imaging Subgroup report and Lenz Nölle: “The compositional variations of water ice dust in Saturn's E-ring and implication for E ring dynamics” (Pt. 1)

Dec 21: No seminar (Christmas holiday)

Jan 04: No seminar

Jan 11: René Prissang: Current developments in Space Mining

Jan 18: Ralf Srama: "DESTINY+ : New Challenges in Dust Astronomy"

Jan 25: Lenz Nölle: “The compositional variations of water ice dust in Saturn's E-ring and implication for E ring dynamics” (Pt. 2)

Feb 2: Lena noack: "Modelling volcanic outgassing on rocky (exo)planets"

Feb 8: Cosmic Dust subgroup report and Rachael Hamp: "Geochemical cycling in the subsurface environment of Enceladus"

Feb 15: Imaging subgroup report and David Haack: "Experimental Simulation of Cometary Surfaces with Volatile Outgassing".

Summer term 2021:

Apr 15: Subgroup report and Arnaud Sanderink, "Overview of Orbitrap for space application".

Apr 22: Subgroup report and Lisa Eckart & Jon Hillier: "Preparation of minerals samples as analogue materials for cosmic dust, recent achievements and future plans".

Apr 29: Dominik Neu & Björn Schreiner: "Development of new 3D and VR products for Mars".

May 6: Filip Matuszewski: "Estimating the number of exoplanets that PLATO can detect".

May 13: Holiday - no seminar

May 20: Thomas Roatsch & Ernst Hauber: "Overview about recent and future science activities at the DLR institute of Planetary Research".

May 27: Brennan Lutkewitte: "Orbital reconstruction of cosmic dust encountered at Saturn".

June 3: Tiantian Liu: "Formation of Small Craters in the Lunar Regolith: How Do They Influence the Preservation of Ancient Melt at the Surface".

June 10: Matthias Grott: "The LRAD Radiometer for the NASA South Pole Lunar Hopper Mission" and imaging subgroup report.

June 17: Mass spectrometry subgroup report, Tanner Hayes: "Terrain dependent impact ejecta simulation on Europa".

June 24: Heike Rauer: "Plato mission".

July 1: Zenghui Zou: "The composition of salt-rich ice grains emitted by Enceladus' cryo-volcanic plume and implications for the subsurface ocean".

July 8: Greg Michael: "Planetary surface dating with Craterstats3 – a new open source implementation in Python".

July 15: Jürgen Schmidt: "Circumplanetary Dust Rings".

Winter term 2020/2021:

Nov 5: Subgroup reports and Maximilian Hamm, "Dust on the surface of Ryugu"

Nov 12: Ralph Vidal, "The McLaughlin Crater as a Potential Landing Site for Future Mars Missions"

Nov 19: Simon Linti, "Peak deconvolution techniques in Cassini-CDA mass spectra of Saturn’s dusty ring material"

Nov 26: Nozair Khawaja, "The Destiny+ mission to the active asteroid Phaethon, latest developments and mission planning"

Dec 3: Christoph Gross et al., "Media and press products from Mars Express data in 2020"

Dec 10: Pietro Matteoni, "Characteristics of geological features related to the subsurface ocean of Europa - Effects on ejecta particles dynamics"

Dec 17: Maryse Napoleoni, "Radiation Chemistry of Organics in Ices - implications for Europa Clipper Space mission"

Jan 7: Daniel Angerhausen, "Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE) mission concept"

Jan 14: Frank Postberg, "The Interstellar Probe Study, a mission for generations"

Jan 21: Ralf Jaumann, "ESA’s EL3 initiative to land large payloads on the moon before 2030"

Jan 28: Janine Bönigk & Miriam Pavlista, "Analogue experiments for detecting bacterial biosignatures on icy moons"

Feb 11: Arnaud Sanderink, tbd (about the Orbitrap enhancement of the lab exeriment)

Feb 11: Christoph Gross, "Juventae Chasma and its enigmatic deposits"

Feb 18: Christoph Gross, Sebastian Walter, Alicia Neesemann: "Jezero Crater, the Landing Site for the NASA Mars 2020 ”Perseverance” Rover – PR-Activity, Data Processing, Web-GIS"

Summer term 2020:

April 23: Subgroup reports and Nozair Khawaja, "Habitability Across the Solar System" (link to video recording)

April 30:  Nozair Khawaja, "Habitability Across the Solar System" (part 2) and Marie Dannenmann, "Laser induced liquid beam ion desorption (LILBID) experiments for the potential detection of microorganisms in the plume of Enceladus and other ocean worlds" (link to video recording).

May 7: Ralf Jaumann, "NASA Psyche Mission"

May 14: Alexander Dumke, "Improving Exterior Orientation of Mars Express HRSC Data for Digital Terrain Models and Orthoimages"

May 28: Alicia Neesemann, "An introduction to the Dawn Mission to Vesta and Ceres"

June 4: Lisa Maria Eckart and John Hillier, "Asteroid Taxonomical Identification upon Low Flyby Speed Dust Detection"

June 11: Frank Postberg, "Comet Interceptor" and Lenz Nölle, "Saturn's E ring composition"

June 18: Subgroup reports and Sonja Zierke, "Interior Structure Modelling of 55 Cancri e"

June 25: Greg Michael, "Status update on HRSC mosaicking"

July 2: Patrick Köster, "Surface temperature and outgassing on stagnant-lid Super-Earths"

July 9: Maryse Napoleoni, "Organic Characterization of Mauna Loa Lava Tubes, Hawaii, as Analogs for Mars: Implications for Martian Habitability and Exploration" and Sebastian Walter, "Introduction to Python for planetary sciences" (link to presentation including links to code on last slide)

July 16: Fabian Kenner, "Europa Clipper and a review paper about habitability investigation by Clipper on Jupiter’s moon Europa" and Ralf Jaumann on "Mars 2020"

  • Keine Stichwörter