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 The game should help students tos learn new vocabulary on the animal kingdom. It is a quiz with animal pictures and scraps of paper with the name of the animal and its natural habitat. 

Target group and Time

 This game is for grade 5 and 6. The teacher can adapt to the English skill level of the students and insert more difficult animals names for example.

Learning objectives

The students can learn new vocabulary by playing the quiz. Learn mnemonic. Put the paper stripes in the right order. Besides those primary learning objectives. Naturally the students need to collaborate with one another. Pay attention to pronunciation etc. 

Instructions to set up the activity

The teacher needs to print out pictures of animals and sentences with their names and their habitat. The sentences need to be cut in scraps of paper. The students work as a team and help each other to find the correct animal name. After finding the animal’s name the scraps of paper need to be put to the right picture and in the right sentence order.

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