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This task teaches students to be aware of their surroundings and the people around them.

Target group and Time

This exercise works best with a larger group of students, preferably 10 to 20. It can be done inside or outside in a designated area. It makes for a good warm-up, taking 10 to 12 minutes.

Learning objectives

The students should become aware of their surroundings and other students while moving around and expressing themselves physically. Ideally, this is a way of teaching them about self-awareness and the importance of looking out for one another even while focusing on their own thoughts.

Instructions to set up the activity

The teachers should tell the students to think about their favorite superhero or superpower they would want to have. After that, they should think about a pose and a way that this superhero moves around. Now the teacher can ask the students to move through the room as their superhero would, trying to use all the space. When the teacher says "STOP", the students should strike the pose of their superhero, trying not to bump into each other. Let them try this a few times. Next, the teacher suggests different speeds for the exercise, where 10 is very fast and 1 is very slow. The instructor asks the learners to move around at the speed he or she is calling out. Finally, the students move at different speeds, in the way their superhero would. Other instructions can be added, like calling out the names of the heroes, depending on how much time is available.

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