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Beach Sand, Kovalam Beach, Kerala, India


Kovalam Beach


Ilmenite, some garnet


Kovalam Beach, Kerala, south-west tip of India


High-grade metamorphic and mafic to intermediary plutonic proterozoic rocks of the indian craton


Black, metallic resplendend ilmenite (ca. 70%), partly euhedral; translucent, bright green titanite (?, ca. 10%), black red to pink translucent garnet (ca. 10%), commonly zircon (colourless, long-prismatic) and quartz (colourless)

Petrographic thin section:

Opaque ilmenite dominates
the image. This impression is
reinforced in the dark field
by garnets; merely some
clinopyroxenes stand out with
their coloures

Bright field


Dark field


Fine sand (ca. 170 µ), very well sorted, well to very well rounded

Sample number


Date of sampling


A. Deeken



The existence of thorazite at Kovalam Beach is mentioned in Wikipedia, but is not certified. Famous locality for sand collectors.
The sand has been collected above the waterline

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