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Single Cell Organsisms & Yeast Strain Collection

To find out, which bacteria and virus strains are available in the Biolab you can either use the search function or check the single cell orgism and yeast strain list.

If you have new single cell organsism or yeast strain not listed below, you need to register it here:

If you produce and freeze new aliquots of a single cell organsism or yeast strain, click on the respective organism in the List of Biolab Single Cell Organsisms & Yeast Strains below and update the information in the storage section.

Safety information and risk group assignment of single cell organsism or yeast strain are available in the GESTIS Biological Agents Database, the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ), the Central Committee on Biological Safety and the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA).

Biolab Single Cell Organsism & Yeast Strain Search

List of Biolab Single Cell Organsisms & Yeast Strains

To get more information about a microorganism (e.g. risk level, owner, storage location), click on the cell line's name in the list of available .

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