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Campus Management and Blackboard are two necessary tools that help you organize your studies. You can enter Campus Management and Blackboard through your personal Zedat account. After your registration there, you can find the links to the two portals on the bottom right, as it is marked in the picture below.

Campus Management is primarily for course (de-)registration, the generating of the schedule and gives an overview of the (completed) courses and grades. As the functions of Campus Management are very diverse, you will find a detailed 10 minute video (in German and English), which explains all important aspects such as registration and deregistration of courses.

In general, you can register for the courses approximately two to four weeks before courses start in Campus Management. Please register for the courses within the registration deadline. Moreover, it is important to note that there are limited and unlimited courses. All lectures are unlimited courses to which students are automatically registered (if you choose the respective module first). The registration for seminars is different; seminars are limited courses, to which a participation quota applies. Because of this limitation, you can choose several seminars and rank them according to your preferences with number 1 indicating the highest preference and successively decreasing preference with higher numbers. After the deadline has ended, you will be assigned to the courses. You should use the first two weeks (the so called „shopping phase”) to go to different courses and then decide which ones you are going to take. If you want to drop a course, please make sure to de-register on Campus Management to open up space for others. Please always refer to our website for the current registration periods. A few weeks into the semester, the second registration period ends, and you will have to fill out this form to deregister from a course.

On Blackboard, you can find all the courses that you were registered in after the enrolment process on Campus Management. Normally, students are added to the Blackboard courses by the lecturers automatically. If this is, for some reason, not the case, please approach the lecturer by sending an e-mail or during the first sessions personally. After entering the Blackboard portal, the current courses are listed on the right. By clicking on a particular course, the course’s dashboard is opened and shows at first the newest announcements for this course. On the left side one can now see different folders such as “Announcements”, “Session & Course Material” or “Discussion Forum”. The structure and functions of Blackboard are quite self-explanatory and intuitive. At the beginning of the semester it is advisable to take a closer look at one’s selected courses on Blackboard by exploring and clicking through the different functions.    

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