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Glauconite Sand, offshore Chile


Box corer in use



200 km offshore Concepcion, south central Chile, outer shelf, ca. 160 m water depth

Depositional facies

Outer shelf, ca. 160 km water depth


Glauconitic fecal pellets (peloids)


Mainly glauconite, some phosphate


Well sorted, well rounded coarse-grained pellets. This is not really a natural sand because the grains were concentrated by washing and sieving from a muddy box corer sample

Petrographic thin section:


Glauconitic fecal pellets with a phosphatic rind. The bottle-green color and the granular texture is a strong indicator for glauconite; the pleochroic wood-brown rind indicates the presence of phosphate.
Digested and excreted phosphatic components from the fecal pellets diffused outwards and precipitated at the contact with the seawater as Fe-phosphate


Bright field

Dark field

Sample number



Christoph Heubeck, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, FU Berlin

Date of sampling

Dec. 2001


This is not really a natural sand because the grains were concentrated by washing and sieving from a muddy box corer sample

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