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How to Write a Successful Term Paper

Please read our term paper guidelines carefully in order to write a comprehensive term paper. In addition, the guide contains information on holding presentations about scientific papers that add to the point below. 

How to Hold a Good Presentation 

A good presentation is a useful tool to convey academic information and to share it with others in an effective way. It helps the speaker to depict the substantial aspects of a topic or a scientific problem, and then, launch a discussion with the audience. In order to carry out an effective presentation in seminars, there are several points that the presenter should take into consideration and follow during the preparation process. Above all, a good presentation should have a well-structured flow, which begins with a brief but an attention-grabbing introduction that is followed by a not overloaded main part and a clear conclusion. In terms of technicalities and the formal requirements for presentations in our institute, you may find detailed information on our website.

The next step after preparing a good presentation is to deliver it in a sound way in the classroom. In order to achieve this, we highly recommend you practice your presentation skills before your first presentation.

Finally, in terms of the presentation day, we will briefly address a couple of common mistakes that can be avoided easily and that will affect the quality and effectiveness of the presentation. First, as a rule thumb, always double check the document you prepared for any possible errors considering technical issues (e.g. pptx file is not working, document was not transferred to flash drive properly or was not uploaded for online use etc.), or contextual issues (such as typos, too much text on a single slide, missing parts etc.). After taking this very basic steps, the next important point is to check the equipment in the classroom and see if everything works without any problems. You will usually need to bring your own computer and adapter to connect it to the projector. If you do not possess your own HDMI or VGA adapter, you may borrow one on the day of your presentation by showing your student ID card to the personnel at the media center at Otto-Suhr-Institute. Please consider the limited working hours, especially if you have a presentation early morning or late evening during the semester.

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