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Exchanging knowledge, discussion and jointly creating new ideas is important to find new strategies for treating viral infections and other diseases. 

Page Content

Meeting Schedule

The seminar takes place approximately once a month usually the first Wednesday of a month at 1pm (in person at SupraFab , seminar room 011).

Please prepare a presentation (~10 slides) for the dates you are assigned to (check table below) and please try to stick to the 15 minutes goal. We will have a short discussion after each presentations, for which you can prepare some additional slides. Please upload your presentation below best one day before your presentation.

Proposed Meeting Schedule from March 2024


Results talk

Literature or Tutorial talk

06.03.2024, 13:00Katharina Pape

Yannik Kerkhoff: Analysis

Macro for  Fiji

24.04.2024, 13:00Jolly ThomasNa Xing: VLPs
29.05.2024, 13:00Yangping LongKatharina Achazi: IC50 & CC50, relative and absolute?!
03.07.2024, 13:00Jingyi Tang
Scarlett Manzke

07.08.2024, 13:00
Chuanxiong Nie
25. 09.2024, 13:00

Jolly Thomas, Ranen Etouki

Katharina Pape
02. 10.2024, 13:00PolydaysPolydays
06. 11.2024, 13:00

Natalie Hanheiser

Stefanie Wedepohl
04. 12.2024, 13:00Yangping Long, Jingyi Tang
08.01.2025, 13:00Yuhang JiangTatyana Povolotski
05.02.2025, 13:00Scarlett Manzke, Ranen Etouki



Meeting Members

Postdocs & Senior scientistsDas 

PhD  & Master students


Katharina Achazi

Jolly ThomasDaniel Lauster
Chuanxiong Nie

Jingyi Tang

Andreas Herrmann 

Na Xing

Yanping Long
Stefanie Wedepohl

Ranen Etouki

Yannic  KerkhoffNatalie Hanheiser?
Tatyana Povolotsky?

Yuhang Jiang?

(Clemens Krage)

Katharina Pape

Scarlett Manzke



Email List

By using the following email address you can sent an email to all seminar participants.

  • Keine Stichwörter