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Extended Abstracts

Interested parties should submit an extended abstract with a title and brief text (about 1,000-1,500  words). It should present a summary of the research question, methodology, main findings and implications, as appropriate, depending on the authors' discipline and background, of a full paper to be submitted later and presented at the conference, should the extended abstract be accepted after peer review.

In the same document the author(s) should include:

  • References, if any, cited appropriately in the main document, in APA, BlueBook or ACM format (not included in the word limit)
  • A short bio of the author(s) (not included in the word limit)

Note that if your submission is accepted we would expect that your home institution will assist with travel support and we will provide letters of invitation to that end, if needed. We especially encourage submissions from developing countries and will try to provide assistance where possible to participants from such countries. Note that there will be no ideological "litmus test" of any sort applied to submissions, i.e. all viewpoints are welcome and submissions will be judged purely on their academic merit and their potential to generate interesting discussions during and after the conference. We especially welcome critical voices.
Submission Guidelines

Extended Abstracts must be submitted by the given deadline for peer review. Submission entails a commitment that at least one author will attend the event in the case of acceptance and deliver a full paper version prior to the event. Also, authors grant the organizers the right to publish accepted papers in the form of online proceedings or a similar format, to be determined at a later stage. In addition, accepted submissions will be automatically licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license, unless the authors explicitly state in their submission that they wish to opt out of this licensing agreement. We encourage authors to use said license in order to promote open access to scholarly work, although decisions to opt out will be respected and will not influence the review process in any way. In any case, authors of accepted submissions cannot opt out from the basic condition that they grant the organizers the right to publish at least the extended abstract online. Please submit your extended abstract in PDF, MS Word or plain text format at:

Note: You will need an easychair account to submit. You can create one on the spot if you don't already have one.


Submission of extended abstracts: May 31, 2010
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2010
Submission of full papers: September 6, 2010
Event: October 8-9, 2010

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