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The Qatari Media System





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    Da Lage, Oliver (2005): The Politics of Al Jazeera or the Diplomacy of Doha. In: Zayani, Mohamed (ed.): The Al Jazeera Phenomenon. Boulder: Paradigm, pp. 49-65.

    El-Nawawy, Mohammed / Iskandar, Adel (2002): Al-Jazeera: How the Free Arab News Network Scooped the World and Changed the Middle East. Cambridge, MA: Westview Press.

    Kirat, Mohamed (2016): A profile of journalists in Qatar: traits, attitudes and values. The Journal of International Communication 22(2), 171-187, DOI:10.1080/13216597.2016.1175367.

     Powers, Shawn/ Gilboa, Eytan (2007): The Public Diplomacy of Al Jazeera. In: Seib, Philip (ed.): New Media and the new Middle East. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 53-80.

    Samuel-Azran, Tal (2013): Al-Jazeera, Qatar and New Tactics in State-Sponsored Media Diplomacy. In: American Behavioral Scientist 57(9), 1293-1311.





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