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The idea for this game is for the students to think of three words that are linked to each other or have a common theme. The group stands in a circle. One person starts by going into the middle, acting out an object, and saying what they are, for example: "I'm a tree". A second person joins the other in the middle, acts word that is linked somehow to the first one, and says what they are, for ex: "I'm a treehouse". A third person joins them and acts out a third related word, "I'm a ladder". The third person stays in the middle, continues to act out their object while the other two step out. Then the next threesome begins. The group can either come up with their own words freely or the teacher can give them a specific topic.

Target group and Time

I think this can work with any age group, however I would say grade 5 and up can understand the concept of word associations. The game can be modified for different levels by selecting harder or easier topics. The ideal time is 8 - 10 minutes.

Learning objectives

To associate words together, learn and internalize vocabulary.

After re-reading the description in the CLIL handbook, this game is also about working collectively and building on the ideas of others. The students have to accept the improvised offers of each other in order to create a scene that works.

Instructions to set up the activity

(I found it helped to introduce the idea of word associations first)

Let's talk about word associations. Often times, when we hear a word, we think of something that goes with it. For example, what is the first word that comes to mind when I say "coffee" (kids say out words) what about "blue" (continue to say first word that comes to mind), "summer" (or use anything you like).

Now we're going to use word associations to create a scene together. One person starts in the middle of the circle, acts something out, and says what they are. Then someone else thinks of something that would go together in a scene and joins them in the middle to act it out. Then a third person joins them to act out something that goes together with the scene. (Depending on their level, either the third person stays and continues to act or they all leave and a new scene starts - easier version).

(To help think of associations) "What goes with X?" "Would you find X and Y together?" "How would they interact?"

Letting it run

Depending on how outgoing the students are and what their level is, you could either give them complete freedom to choose whatever they want, or give specific topics such as "at the beach", "school", "summer", etc. I found it was easier for them when I gave them a topic.

This would be a great way to work on a specific topic already covered in class.

At the end of the game, we all created one last scene together which was a lot of fun.

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