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Altensteinstr. 23a, Biolabs 114.XX, 115.XX, 027.1

Responsible Person:

Application/Technical Details


  • All users must gain permission to work in the Biolabs and access to the “Zellbio-users” network drive by attending the Biosafety instructions (--> Katharina Achazi)
  • All users must get an introduction to the device from the resposnible person (OpenIRIS) before use based on the operation manuals (see below) documented in the device log book
  • Only use the tubes that are compatible with the rotors we have and follow the tube protocol for filling and operating
  • ech run needs to be documented in the device log book
  • In case of spillage, open rotor in a sterile bench and clean centrifuge
  • DO NOT use organic solvents or other evaporating hazardous substances → use a centrifuge in a chemistry lab instead
  • close centrifuge and tube lids during centrifugation
  • precisely weigh samples and place them so that the rotor is in balance
  • wait after start until centrifuge reaches full speed → if the centrifuge shakes or is noisy stop immediately
  • open centrifuge after use and leave lid open, so that no condensed water stay inside and cause corrosion
  • clean centrifuge after every use
  • be cautious with rotors e.g. during cleaning, exchanging and store them safe
  • centrifuges must be cleaned once a month with water and soap and wiped afterwards with 70% ethanol
  • centrifuges need to be tested by an authorized service once a year


Serial No.:

FUB Inventory No.:

Safety Operation Instruction (German):

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