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Direct Laserwriter for optical lithography (Fact Sheet)

  • Tabletop masklessaligner with raster scan modules

  • Tool for virtually any application requireing microstructures like microfluidics, small scale mask-writing, micro-optics, sensors, MEMS, contacting 2D materials and fan-out electrode, etc.

  • Raster scan exposure mode

  • Draw mode for straightforward adhoc modifications to exsiting structures and electrical contacts to nanowires or 2D materials

  • Greyscale exposure mode allows creation of complex structures such as micro-optical devices

Setup history

  • 07/2022 - Installation

  • 11/2022 - Camera problem - no switching between overview and zoom

  • 2023 - Camera problem solved


  • Manual Operators Guide

  • Pattern with alignment marks
  • Pattern on blank sample
  • Tricks, like pattern without alignment marks


  • Resist Data Sheets:

    • AZ 1500

    • AZ 5214E

    • ma-P1210
    • TI-Prime (Adhesion)
  • Developer Data Sheet


  • Recipe by Oguzhan v1_2023

  • Recipe by Device Admin
    • AZ 1514 H (positive resist)

      • Spin Coating 4000rpm / 60s / 500acc

      • Soft bake 50s @ 100°C

      • Dose 135mJ/cm²

      • Develop 65 – 70s (AZ 726 MIF)

    • AZ 5214 E (positive mode)

      • Spin Coating 4000rpm / 60s / 500acc

      • Soft bake 50s @ 110°C

      • Dose 80 mJ/cm²

      • Develop 55 – 70s (AZ 726 MIF)

    • AZ 5214 E (reversal mode (negative))

      • Spin Coating 4000rpm / 60s / 500acc

      • Soft bake 50s @ 110°C

      • Dose 90 mJ/cm²

      • reverse bake 2min @ 120°C

      • Flood Exposure 30s @ 100% power (with KUB2)

      • Develop 55 – 70s (AZ 726 MIF)

  • Keine Stichwörter