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Course Description


This is a beginning course from the series of three courses Topology I—III. In the introductory course we will first overview basic notions on Metric spaces and then cover following topics:
  1. Basic notions of: Topological spaces, continuous maps, connectedness, compactness, products, coproducts, quotients.
  2. Gluing constructions.
  3. Homotopies between continuous maps, degree of a map, fundamental group.
  4. Seifert-van Kampen Theorem.
  5. Covering spaces.



  1. Allen Hatcher: Algebraic Topology, Chapter I. Also available online from the author's website 
  2. James R. Munkres: Topology, Prentice Hall 
  3. Marco Manetti : Topology, Springer
  4. Stefan Waldmann: Topology (An Introduction), Springer
  5. Klaus Jänich: Topologie, Springer-Verlag





ContactOffice Hours:
LecturePavle Blagojević  and  Moritz Firsching blagojevic(at), firsching(at)math.fu-berlin.deWednesday after lectures
TutorialJonathan Kliemjonathan.kliem(at)fu-berlin.deMonday after tutorials




Wed14:15 - 15:45SR 031, Arnimallee 6
Fri12:00 - 13:30HS 001, Arnimallee 3



Tutorials and Problems


Mon12:15 - 13:45HS 001, Arnimallee 3

In the tutorial we will answer open questions and discuss exercise sheets.

There will be weekly exercise sheets. You do not have to submit them, but we strongly advise you to do the exercises, and maybe hand in some of them. The exercises are there to help you better understand the material presented on the lectures. We will check your solutions to give you feedback on them. This is a service for you, use it!

Course requirements are the following: (1) You must actively participate in the course. (2) You must present one solution in during the tutorial. (3) You must pass an exam at the end of the semester which alone will determine your grade.

Exercise Sheets

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