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Biolab Antibodies Collection

To find out, which antibodies are available in the Biolab you can either use the search function or check the Antibodies.

If you have new antibodies not listed below, you need to register them here:

Please also upload relevant documents e.g. inactivation certificate etc.

If you produce and freeze new aliquots, click on the respective item in the Antibodies below and update the information in the storage section.

Safety information and risk group assignment of chemicals are available in the GESTIS Substance Database and the CLAKS.

Biolab Antibody Search

List of Antibodies


You may also search in the following list of antibodies that have been ordered in the past year(s), so you can ask the person who ordered it whether they are still using it, if it's working or available, etc.

Version Veröffentlicht Geändert von Kommentar
AKTUELL (v. 5) 07.02.2024 10:31
v. 6 07.02.2024 10:29
v. 5 07.02.2024 10:29
v. 4 07.02.2024 10:29
v. 3 07.02.2024 10:28
v. 2 11.10.2023 12:14
v. 1 27.06.2022 15:34

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